
Monday, November 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: The Food Pyramid/Nutrition

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It's Monday...again... already... Yay! Time for Muffin Tin Monday! This week's theme is  The Food Pyramid/Nutrition.  I have to say I try to make sure they have balanced lunches every day.  No, I don't always succeed, but I do try.  In fact when I give them their lunch usually we discuss what food groups they are eating.  I will ask the girls "Which food is the grain? Which food is the vegetable? Which food is the fruit? Which food is the dairy? Which food is the protein?"  Tabitha is getting pretty good at figuring it out, Amelia is getting there. 

Today I knew I would be keeping with the theme, but wanted to somehow add part of our lesson to it.  We are still on the letter T, but I had a flash of insight earlier today that shaped the way I arranged the muffin tin.  We have been reading a book called, Big Truck and Little Truck by Jan Carr and today we did our project.  So I decided to do a Big and Little Muffin Tin.

Dairy: Milk plus Big and Little Cheddar Cheese
Grain: Big and Little Triscuits plus Big and Little whole grain bread for sandwiches
Protein: Peanut Butter on the sandwich
Fruit: Big slices and Little chunks of apple
Vegetable: Big and little pieces of broccoli 
Fat: Little bit of ranch salad dressing to dip in.
Oh, and some strawberry jelly on the sandwich.

The apple wasn't meant to be anything in particular.  I was just playing around.

They both ate very well.  Amelia wasn't in the mood for the broccoli, but she does like it usually.  In fact last night on our way home from the football game we stopped at McDonald's for a bite of something warm to eat.  (Or should I say something cooked, seeing as Tabitha was quick to let me know that the banana was not cold.) I gave them some fries and some of the broccoli we had taken in to the game.  Then I offered Amelia a chicken nugget and she refused.  However, I then offered her a piece of broccoli and she accepted.  Then a few minutes later she agreed to have a piece of chicken.  


  1. Love the big little theme you added in :-)

  2. Great lunch. My little guy loves broccoli-- he actually turned down cake last week and asked for broccoli instead!

    Where did you get the round muffin tin?

  3. I agree, the big little theme is fun. I want to try that one of these days.

  4. I'm following you!

    Would love a follow back :-)

    Thank you!!


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