
Friday, September 17, 2010

School Time: Week 2 (Aa, 5)

The Letter A

This week we focused on the letter Aa, the second letter recommended in the lessons from  We followed the same basic schedule as last week.  After "circle time" where we pray, say the Pledge of Allegiance, do calendar (which includes the season) and the number and letter, the girls colored there pictures for their A Collage.  Our words this week are apple, alligator, astronaut, ambulance, avocado and ant.  All words except avocado have an ASL sign I was able to find.

I was impressed that Amelia is starting to fill in some details.

Gluing the pictures to our capital A

Here is what the Alphabet Set 1 worksheet from Beginning looks like.
It shows the letter in one square, has dashes in the next squareand has 4 squares for the child to write in.

(she writes her name by herself)

Here is Amelia trying it out.

And Tabitha wanted to do it again.

Our state this week is Pennsylvania:

We also had some active time this week (spur of the moment so no pictures).  One day we reviewed #5 and then, to get them out of their seats I had them do certain things 5 times.  Clap their hands, jumping jacks, marching, spinning (I spun along with them, boy was I dizzy after 5 spins).

My idea for this week's letter craft comes from Jolanthe over at Homeschool Creations.  I couldn't get online to check hers out but here is my take on an A apple:

First they glued a white circle to the back of the a

Then we put 5 drops of white glue on the white, inner part

They added seeds

Tabitha said the apple was on her heart

Gluing the a's onto the red paper for our tactile a's

Amelia was so pleased with herself

Ewww, mommy the seed is on me

Focused on work

Distracted by crying baby sister

Here are Tabitha's completed projects.
The "a" on the right was the one we used for our listening for the /a/ game where they step on the letter if they here the sound. She wanted to color it afterwards.

Then Amelia wanted to show her work off. Unfortunately she got
glue on her dress because she was holding it backwards.

I went to put the camera away and she insisted I had to take a picture of the apple a as well, just like I had for Tabitha.

Then I got out the apple seed counting game we made last year.
We laid them out in order

Turned them over to see the numerals

Then we matched up the second set of apple slices to the correct number.

Tabitha has been asking for a lunch in the "circle plates" 
So today I made them an "a" muffin tin lunch

Then the girls helped me make an apple pie using the recipe in the book
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall

We also made an apple tree project, you can check it out at here where I linked up to stART over at A Mommy's Adventures

To see what others are doing with their toddlers and preschoolers head on over to 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations  Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers 

Tot School preschool corner

And check out The Ultimate alphabet craft collection for unique craft ideas for every letter of the alphabet over at The Attached Mama

 The Attached Mama’s Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection 


  1. What a fun week!! The a craft turned out super cute!

  2. ooh an apple counting game! neat, my home school group is doing apples soon, good idea!

  3. Found you through picket blogs .. am a new follower. Love your ideas!

  4. Hi I am Nicole from I found you on a blog hop and wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  5. Lots of fun!!! Yummy apple pie! I'm not that gifted a baker to try a pie. LOL

  6. You're lowercase a for apple turned out great!

  7. I love the apple counting game! Thanks for sharing that link to!

  8. Wow! Amazing blog! You have a very lovely family. Thanks for linking up to the Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection on my blog. I think others will really benefit from your ideas. Could you also please add a link back to the collection somewhere in your blog post? That way others can find the collection as well. Thank you so much!!

    Your fan,
    Cathy aka The Attached Mama


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