
Saturday, September 4, 2010

What we're reading

I decided this school year we are going to start linking up to


The Impatient Turtle (Janette Oke's Animal Friends)

I have started reading chapter books to Tabitha.  The Impatient Turtle by Janette Oke is one of her Animal Friends books and it is the first chapter book we are trying.  The chapters in this book are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 pages long and we read one chapter at bedtime and naptime (so she can go to sleep, is what she insists).  So, far she is looking forward each day to the next reading.

This  book is about a turtle who doesn't like being a turtle and wants to be like the boys who come down to the creek to play.  It is told from his point of view.  He leads his friends into mischief and is trying to figure out how to do things the boys do, like sliding down the bank into creeks.  Will he be successful in his plans or will he learn to be content with how God created him?

I am enjoying the short chapters in this book.  There is a small illustration every other page or so.  A great first introduction to chapter books.  It is a sweet little story.  The one problem I personally have is the use of the word "hate" by Pogo (the turtle), but that is a pet peeve of mine.  Be aware, there are a couple of chapters of Pogo being a mischief maker, seeing how he can pester others and he is never told he is wrong for doing so.


  1. That sounds like a cute book. I am going to see if our library has it.

  2. I'm a fan of Janette Oke's inspirational fiction for adults but we've never read any of her works for children. Thanks for the introduction.

  3. Thanks for joining WMCIR. I have never heard of this author before and now curious. I have to see whether our library has this book.


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