
Saturday, September 4, 2010


I decided to start the week off by reviewing the numbers 1-3.  We played our Feed the Penguin game (you can find details about the game here), we hadn't played it in quite a while and the girls really do enjoy this game.

I chose this game because it only has cards for the numbers 1, 2 and 3.  Fortunately Hannah napped and allowed us to play that plus work with our felt numbers.

We started with zero.  

Then as we added felt animals we found the correct numeral.  

I then did a little basic addition with Tabitha.  

I would add one ladybug under the first column and we 
would say the equation and she would tell me the answer.

They worked with it for a while and then Tabitha decided to hide from me.  Can you find her. lol.

Then it was time to take the animals for a ride

Reviewing the numbers 1-3 served two purposes.  I could see if Amelia was getting the concept (she's getting there) and it gave me a great way to arrange my muffin tin for Muffin Tin Monday.
Then we had another themed meal on Tuesday.

1 cup of tomato soup, which Tabitha insisted on having with her
3 strips of grilled cheese sandwich and
2 pieces of tomato (which we seem to have a continual supply of from our garden, praise the Lord)

We finally moved on to the #4 and made our books.

And of course we had our yellow card hunt and find same as we did for red and orange (sorry, no pictures, here is the post with pictures from our red hunt if you would like to see what I am talking about).  However, while I was glancing at the old posts to see if I could share a picture for at least one of the hunts I discovered I forgot to play the #4 game. Perhaps we will do that today as it is something I don't have to have plans for and can do while holding the baby.

We also made ladybugs with 4 spots.
First they glued the red wings onto the black body:

Then we added the 4 spots.

Amelia loves giving hugs

Amelia's does have legs, half of them are just under the ladybug

Tabitha likes to make her's fly.
In fact, the ladybugs are not hanging up on the wall yet
because the girls like to play with them.

The girls are now doing their own dishes after breakfast.

How's that for practical life!

To see what others are doing with their toddlers and preschoolers head on over to 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations.

Tot School

preschool corner

I am also linking up to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers for Weekly Wrap-Up for the first time

1 comment:

  1. Love the penguin game. We're big into putting little stuff into bigger stuff around here (buttons, pom poms, etc) and how simple to really elevate a recycled container with a print out! Thanks =)


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