
Monday, August 23, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: ABC's

Yay! It is my first ever Muffin Tin Monday.  I have been wanting to do this since I first saw posts about it almost a year ago.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a suitable muffin tin.  We have one muffin tin with 12 holes and 1 mini cupcake pan.  Neither of which works right with 2 children to do this for.  You can't believe how pleased I was to finally find something usable at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago.  So I decided I would post about our ABC muffin tins I made for lunch today and link up over at Muffin Tin Mom's blog.

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

I decided to focus on the letters A B and C.  Each letter is represented two times.  
A- Applesauce and Apple sticks
B- Bologna and Bread B's and Beans
C- Cheddar Cheese Cubes and Animal Crackers

The girls are used to me making themed lunches, but I think they really got a kick out of the muffin tins.

Tabitha actually cleaned her plate:

I went a little over board and decided to do a D dessert:

Donut and Dora gummies
(Boy was I upset I didn't have any alphabet gummies left.)

Amelia did NOT like the gummies!
"I don't like it."


  1. What a yummy lunch.. I love the plates :-)

  2. I love your tins! The ABCD's look yummy!

  3. Very cute idea. I might copy that too :) This is Sarah from Martin Mommy. Thanks for your comments! I am following your blog now. I would love it if you followed me back.

  4. Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment! You blog is great and we have a lot in common. :-) I am now your newest follower. Neat idea with the muffin tins. Hope you have a great week. I'll be visiting again soon.


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