
Monday, August 23, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday: August 23, 2010

It's time to share some of the evidence of my obsessive picture taking habit.  I love creating memories, even if everyone else is not always amused when mommy says, "Wait, let me go get the camera first," or "Don't move, that deserves a picture."  So, without further ado, here are the pictures I am linking up to Mamarazzi Monday, hosted by Ann Marie over at Household 6 Diva.

Eating Numbers:

I think we need a bigger barn:

The girls were having a little dinner party it seems.
I heard them going back and forth between the kitchen and
the playroom.  Bowls and spoons were being borrowed.  

Don't worry, I know they are using diapers on the dolls; I won't
use them on Hannah anymore.  One day they leaked two times 
when she had a bowel movement.  Let's put it this way, 
one is not saving money buying cheapy brand if one is going through 
extra diapers or ruining clothes.

Hannah just looked so cute:

And here she is getting her exercises.  She loves to try to sit up:

Go check out the other photo taking mamas for some cool pictures:

Mamarazzi Monday

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