
Monday, September 5, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: Squares

Last week we didn't really do much. I had some things I wanted to get done for our first book we are rowing with Five in a Row-Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.  I will be posting about our time with the book shortly, I just haven't been very motivated this week (custody battles and long waits for the judges ruling tend to do that to me).  But we did have a special muffin tin last week, just not on Monday. One of the things we learn about in the book is that Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel Mary Anne dig cellars and they make sure the corners are square. So we had a square muffin tin. It's been a while since I did a shape tin.
They had:
saltine crackers
beets cut into squares
cheese cut into squares
pb&j cut into squares
apples cut into squares 
and square cereal
I took the 4th sandwich square and surrounded it with 4 Cheddar Fries so they had to count the sides.

Hannah could actually have the same lunch today for the first time!!

Linking up to 

Muffin Tin Monday at


  1. French fries used to count sides is a great idea. You have had a rough week.

  2. sorry to hear about your week...hope you hear good news soon. I haven't done a shapes theme yet. This is full of ideas for when I do.

  3. those squares are great! praying for a sweeter easier week this week {{{hugs}}}


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