
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Before the Wrath {A Review and Giveaway}

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through Flyby Promotions in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

I've been interested in end times prophecy for about half of my life. Shortly after becoming a Christian I remember being introduced to different movies and books that spoke of the rapture and the tribulation. So, when I was offered the opportunity to watch and review Before the Wrath, I was quite excited. 

I was intrigued to discover that this inspirational documentary/drama is the #1 Christian movie in America. The film is narrated by Kevin Sorbo (God's Not Dead) and is a combination of interviews and a historical drama taking place in ancient Galilee. And it focuses on the "why" of Jesus returning for His church, instead of the "when," and highlights the importance of Biblical prophecy.  

Throughout the film there are interviews with :
  • Jack Hibbs - Theologist and host of "Real Life" on SiriusXM
  • Amir Tsarfati - Founder and President of Behond Israel
  • Jan Markell - Founder of Olive Tree Ministries
  • JD Farag - Theologist and Eschatologist 
  • Scott McConnell - Exec. Director of Lifeway Research
  • Jay McCarl - Ancient Middle Eastern Anthropologist 
  • Lizette Dillinger - Qualitative Director of LifeWay Research
This documentary explains the importance of why Jesus is coming back and how we can know this by understanding something as simple, but profound, as a Galilean wedding. They explain the importance of realizing that Jesus spent most of his time in Galilee and that his followers were Galileans. So, in that respect, his parables and stories would be told in a way that they would have understood. So, in order for us to understand his true meaning, we have to understand the culture, not just of the Israelites in the time of Jesus, but specifically of the Galileans. 

There is a lot that I knew, but didn't really understand. I mean, I have read the Bible stories of the bridegroom coming for his bride, and the 10 virgins waiting with their lamps, and Jesus's first miracle taking place in a Canaanite wedding, but their significance only made sense when watching this documentary and being shown the details of a Galilean wedding. In fact, as I watched, there were parts that just gave me goosebumps. 

I love how the pieces are all brought together, from the betrothal through the one year preparation period, to the actual wedding night and feast.

Here are a few screenshots from the film:

The bride accepting the cup at the betrothal

The bride waiting for the bridegroom

The bridegroom coming for his bride at night

The parallels between a Galilean wedding and the the New Covenant that Jesus made with his church truly are profound. We are the bride and we need to willingly accept the cup to be consecrated to Him. Jesus is now preparing his father's house for us, his bride, just as a bridegroom would prepare a room added on to his father's house. At the same time we, as the bride, are to prepare and wait and be ready when the bridegroom comes. And as with the Galilean wedding, only the Father knows the time when he will send the Son for his bride. 

This film was a reminder of how important it is for us to be ready for Jesus's return. However, now that the signs appear to show that his return is drawing even nearer, the church is falling further away, so many not even believing in a literal return of Jesus, and there bickering among those who do believe because there is no agreement on when it will happen. 

Before the Wrath from Ingenuity Films truly is a captivating documentary. One that should be watched by Christians so they can understand the importance of prophecy in Scripture. I loved the combination of interviews with experts and the historical drama. Though most of the drama was told through the narration, there were times when the were some spoken lines. The story was told through the scenes and music and narration, along with the interviews, scenes from modern day, and charts displaying pertinent information. 

I am eager to share this information with my church leaders, perhaps to suggest a Sunday School class viewing. I think it is very important for pastors to be sharing about prophecy and end times, and was very sad to hear that so few actually do, even though it is a significant portion of the Bible. 

Though the film doesn't come out and say we should believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture, it definitely shows why that would be the case. The title itself speaks toward it. I would hope those who don't believe in pre-trib theology would still give this film a chance as it is quite eye-opening. 

Leave a comment below to be entered into the giveaway. Must leave email address so I can reach you. Giveaway ends December 5th. I will choose the winner using a random number generator. 

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Many thanks to Ingenuity Films for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, from the same blog, you are not eligible to win.  If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again.  Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

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