
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wordless Wednesday: July 15, 2020 (w/linky) - Introducing Callie

Since the last time I posted a Wordless Wednesday, we have gained a new family member. In addition to the stray cats outside, we now have a kitty. In our home. 24/7. Do my allergies bother me? Yes, some days more than others, but we love our little Callie. Her name comes from the fact that her previous owner was just calling her the calico. So, the hubby jokingly said we'd call her Callie. The name stuck.

First night here. Spent a lot of time under the love seat and couch as she wasn't used to us.

She started to get comfortable, sleeping under my chair. You know, me with the allergies.

Oh, and on my chair.

By daddy's feet on the couch.

I love when she curls up in a little ball.

So cute when she finds little cubby holes to lay in.

And yes, she love looking out the window.

Little ball again.

She has some really interesting ways of sleeping.

Don't you just love her facial coloring. Just learned tonight it is the exact opposite of her mom's.

Isn't the cat supposed to be the one IN the box?

Oh, yes, Amelia had a birthday last month. Just never had time to post.

Callie found a naughty spot to fall asleep.

She didn't seem to care. . .

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

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1 comment:

  1. Aw, Callie is adorable. She's found a wonderful forever home to be safe in. So precious.

    I hope you had a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥


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