
Monday, August 14, 2017

The 2017 Back to Homeschool Blog Hop: Our 2017-2018 Curriculum Choices

Our 2017-2018 Curriculum Choices

We are finally done with our summer session of school and will be enjoying a break for the next few weeks before starting our fall "semester" the first week of September. Though we skipped a bit, we are officially done with Exploring Countries and Cultures from My Father's World. I think we all had a blast, "flying" off to different destinations, completing crafts from the various locations, eating foods native or popular in those countries, reading lots of books to learn information about them, and spending money to buy snacks and watch movies set in those countries. We also learned about different missionaries who traveled to these countries and prayed for others that still need to hear about Jesus. It was a wonderful year, expanding our horizons and learning more about the people who live in God's world.

Now, we are continuing on in the family cycle, heading back to the beginning of the world in Creation to the Greeks. Though we learned about some history in the Bible with the first grade curriculum, we will be digging much deeper this year, plus learning about different ancient cultures. And, little Harold will be following along plus doing the first grade curriculum.

Look at all the fun materials we received on our box day back in March:

That includes the materials for CtG and 1st grade (Learning God's Story).

Here is the core for Creation to the Greeks:

These books make up the history component.

Our science will focus on days of Creation and we will also be looking at the pyramids.

We will be using God & the History of Art.

And we will be focusing on several different composers. 

We may dig a bit deeper into one or two of these composers using our Music Appreciation Book from Zeezok Publishing LLC that we reviewed last year.

(Any links will go to my reviews of the curriculum mentioned)

English will include learning Greek roots and the following read alouds.

There will be more to our Language Arts than just the above books.

Tabitha will continue using Phonetic Zoo for Spelling, and will continue on with Readers in Residence.

Amelia will start using Phonetic Zoo for spelling, when she completes her Horizons book, and will continue on with Lightning Lit from Hewitt Homeschooling. 

Hannah will be using a combination of English on a Roll for grammar, plus continuing on with Level B of Eclectic Foundations Language Arts.

Plus we are going to start working on our poetry memorization again.

For math, I am still up in the air. 

I would love to go back to using CTCMath as I feel it is a great program. For now though the children will be working on daily math drills plus using the math component of K5 Learning.

Of course, Harold will be tagging along with as much as he can in Creation to the Greeks. But his main curriculum will be Learning God's Story from My Father's World.

He will be learning about the beginning of history from creation and will be continuing through the Bible. I will probably try to find some way to work on the Bible stories together and have him focus mostly on his phonics with Learning God's Story. He will also be using The Complete Book of Math.

As he has been enjoying his Learn to R.E.A.D Curriculum Notebook (getting all sorts of pouty when he is told he doesn't have to do it), I will have him continue on with it. He will be using that while the girls work on spelling. 

Foreign Language

We actually have a lot of resources we could use for foreign language this year. 

As our core focuses on Creation to the Greeks, we are going to continue working on Biblical Greek with Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!

Looks like I'm going to have to get Tabitha her own Worktext so she can join in. She really wants to continue on with her Latina Christiana . . .

. . . but I was thinking of setting that aside til next year, when we do My Father's World's Rome to the Reformation. Still debating this actually. I have a few weeks to decide. 

Additionally, we will be working on Spanish again with Foreign Language for Kids by Kids. We will start back at the beginning and watch the videos, and work through the remainder of the workbooks. 

Harold would like to continue with his Whistlefritz, and I will include the girls when I can.

I almost forgot. I also set aside the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths that we reviewed last spring, in anticipation of using it more fully during our CtG year. So, yes, we will be using that this year too.

As you can see, we supplement A LOT with review products from being on the Homeschool Review Crew. I'm sure there will be other things we will get to review this coming school year that may change the above plans, but our core will remain to be My Father's World Creation to the Greeks and Learning God's Story. 

So, what are you using in your homeschool this year?

Tomorrow I will be sharing about the supplies I can't live without. Hope to see you again tomorrow.


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