
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: December 7, 2016 (w/linky) : Fun With Melk the Christmas Monkey

With the arrival of Advent came the return of Melk the Christmas Monkey. He has been busy at night, getting activities ready for the children. These activities help us focus on the coming of Jesus.
This is our third year with Melk, and we all love him very much. If you would like to learn more about Melk, I invite you to check out my review from a couple of years ago: Creating Christmas Memories with Melk the Christmas Monkey.

Making an angel:

Getting his countdown chain hung up.

Gotta love how he climbed up there.

Children making their countdown chains while Melk watches.

Melk made his own Christmas tree because we don't have ours up yet.

 He wanted the children to help decorate it while he slept. They were very quiet.

He planted peppermint seeds and left some for the children to plant. We love watching them grow into candy canes.

A relaxing weekend day where Melk didn't have anything for them to do.

Making our countdown Christmas tree because mommy hasn't had time to.

Hiding candy canes for the children to find. He always forgets that he gets stuck when he tries to climb onto the couch to hide one.

Melk will be around through Christmas, so I will have more pictures to share later this month.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Aw, Melk is adorable! (So are your children).

  2. Melk is adorable! I'm sure your kids will have a great time with him :)

  3. It looks like they are super busy having glitter fun! I love art and crafts!

  4. Melk is super cute indeed..and the kids surely have tons of fun!

  5. Aw, so cute. What a great way to prepare during Advent! : )


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