
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wordless Wednesday:June 10th, 2015 (w/linky)- Rock City Park

We have been enjoying our field trips these last few weeks. This last one we went on to Rock City Park was our favorite by far. 

There was a fun line up of signs as we made our way in. These are the first two of many. The last one said, "Remember Burma Shave?" Would love to know if you get that sign. The only reason I do is because of an episode of Quantum Leap.

All ready for an adventure.

Unfortunately, it had started to rain, so we waited it out by watching part of their video.

We finally decided we couldn't wait any longer, so we decided to chance it. We were blessed with lovely weather for the next couple of hours.

To start our journey, we had to find our way across a maze.

Then, we had to descend to the ground below.

I did it!

 And that was just the start of the challenges we overcame.

A little late for this sign I would say. At least the first part.

So, yes, we looked behind us:

My biggest challenge of the day! I have a fear of stairs and heights.

But, I did it! Praise the Lord!

We have gone on these three field trips as a part of our review of Apologia's Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal. I can't wait to share my review later this week.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Gorgeous photos - but your linky is closed!
    Happy WW to you!

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I have no clue why last week's linky was still on there. Must have hit copy instead of paste or something. It is right now.

  2. What a wonderful trip, mom must have been the photographer, fabulous photos, such a beautiful place to explore.
    Thank you for stopping by Oh My Heartsie Girl ww to share your post!!

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. What an adventure!
    Found you on a WW linky :)

  4. I always enjoy your little family's adventures. Thanks for joining us on Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!


  5. It looks breat there and what a fab adventure for the kids they looked like they thoroughly enjoyed it :-)

  6. What an amazing place to explore. Really massive rocks! I am sure my son would love to go there too!

  7. What a great place! Looks like the kids enjoyed their adventure and you had a beautiful day for it too. Great photos. :)

  8. What a fun place to explore. My kids would LOVE it there.

  9. Oh my gosh, this post brings back SO many memories! I remember going there as a child on family vacations. I loved that place. I haven't been there in years and years and would really love to see it again. My girls would LOVE it there! Thanks for sharing your pics!

  10. Beautiful park! So glad you climbed the stairs and enjoyed the heights.

  11. What an interesting place to take the family! I bet the kids really enjoyed it. I know mine would have when they were young, but even an adult can have an imaginative time at a place like this. Cool shots!

  12. What gorgeous pictures of your field trip. I really look forward to reading your review on Apologia's Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal - love all of their stuff but, especially their Science.

  13. That is totally awesome! We love getting info on family trips like this!

  14. Thank you for hosting!! Have a great night! xx

  15. What a beautiful area to climb through and explore. The rock structures are so cool!

  16. Wow this looks like such a beautiful park! I'd love to take my family there one day!


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