
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Toddler Ideas Tuesday: March 17, 2015

Welcome back to Toddler Idea Tuesdays! I hope you will join with me again in sharing the fun activities, crafts, and lessons that you are doing with your young children. 

We have been going through the alphabet with Harold and Hannah during our preschool time. Each week we have been focusing on 2 letters. Today I wanted to share our H project and some other H crafts/meals from the past.

After doing the worksheets I printed out from ABC Twiggles, the children made Hand Print H's

Several years ago, when I was doing letter of the week with the older girls, we made a craft for each letter in the shape of that letter. Here is what we did for the letter h. 

Through the years we have also had the following H muffin tins:

Now onto:

Toddler Idea Tuesday Features

On my last Toddler Idea Tuesday post, there were 2 wonderful posts linked up. I will be featuring both of them today.

Featured Post #1

Shecki from Greatly Blessed shared Pre K with Katie. Check out her post for some fun learning tray activities.

Featured Post #2:

 Jen from Chestnut Grove Academy shared Easter Themed Workboxes for Tots-Preschool. Don't forget to stop by for some fun Easter ideas.

I would love to have you join in this week! What sort of activities do you do with your toddlers and preschoolers? Do you have some favorite activities you would like to share? I invite you to link up below. I will be pinning posts on my Toddler Ideas board and I would love to feature some of the activities each week from what is linked up. Please know I may share a picture from your post and link back to it, along with sharing how we used your idea in our toddler time. By linking up you are giving me permission to use a picture from your post. I will ALWAYS give credit and link back. Additionally, if you choose to try out any of the ideas with your toddler, please make sure you give credit where credit is due.

Linky will be open through Sunday night, to give me time to check out all the posts and get the Features organized. Please take the time to visit some of the other wonderful posts linked up.



  1. Love all your H ideas! :) Thanks for the mention!

  2. Hi! We are so happy to make your acquaintance and join your weekly party. We found you on

    Thanks for hosting a great party,
    Denise W. & Aubrie B. of

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! This was my first time visiting - love the simple hands-on letter craft idea!

  4. love the H hand prints!!! And YUMMY FOOD!!! i say with the food u r cutting off and not giving alot :( tht wont feed me im big girl... LOL


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.