
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: July 27, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

I realize it has been a long time since I have participated. I have been having a really hard time finding time to just take pictures. There are weeks I would get a couple of the prompts done, but couldn't get any inspiration for the others and I didn't want to post without having all of the prompt done. I have decided, from now on, I will just post what I have. I miss participating. For this week, I am going to share my photos for the last two weeks worth of prompts.

Full, Donut, Bug, In the Car, Straw


An overfull bottle of water.


The frosting and candy were the most important ingredients of this donut.


 Saw this little guy over at the park.

In the Car

 Getting ready to enjoy a couple of movies at the drive-in.


Using straws and yarn to make huge bubbles at Summer Reading Program.

Now for this week's prompts.

Eyes, Upside Down, From Behind, Sunshine, Cup


Upside Down

From Behind




  1. Wow...that bubble is amazing. Love the from behind shot-so sweet.

  2. I have been spasmodic with posting this summer, too. Life has been busy! Your from behind is so cute. The angle is great. In the car - everyone looks so happy! Good job.


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