
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Photo Round-Up: May 11th, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Details, Precious, Hungry, Water, Wide Angle


Tabitha gave me these flowers while we were at the park. We enjoyed looking at the tiny details, especially because we had just finished examining flowers in our science lesson.


I loved watching Hannah trying to give an ant this dandelion. It was so precious.


In our church, Sunday School is after the church service. Harold and I always go into the nursery to he can play and have a little snack as he is usually hungry.


Getting some water at the park. He didn't like the way it splashed him in the face when he tried to get a drink, though he enjoyed playing in it.

Wide Angle

Okay, I can not do a true wide angle shot, from what I was able to research. This is as close as I can get with my little camera, a wide shot of the park as Harold was playing on the slide.


Day 4: Us

I had a picture for "us", but I took it with my phone and I can't get my photos to import. I will try to get to them later and edit the post if I can.

Day 5: 4 pm

At 4pm we were headed into the store to do some grocery shopping.

Day 6: From Down Low

Headed up the slide, one of his favorite activities at the park.

Day 7: Taken From Above
Checking out the ants.

Day 8: Blue

I wasn't sure what to do for blue, and then I remembered I had taken these pictures of this nifty looking bug on the blue part of the playground equipment.

Day 9: Favorite

Perhaps one of Tabitha's favorite vegetables. Is it normal for children to sneak bites of green pepper like they are sneaking candy?

Day 10: In the Garden
As you can see, our garden is bare right now. However the girls planted some sunflower seeds in it the other day and Tabitha thought she ought to water them.

Day 11: Mother
Yes, dear, I am your mother.

And a shot of my mom from the last time we went to visit, on Christmas Eve.

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