
Friday, May 2, 2014

First Day May 2014

Well, it is time for another "First Day" post. I'm so impressed that I remembered for a 5th month in a row. So, here is a glimpse into our life, once again.

First girl up

Mommy is still getting school stuff ready.

But it is breakfast time.


Not sure why she was hiding.

Daddy's breakfast

Mommy's breakfast

Hanging around

Time to eat

Little one is up.

Last one up, not the happiest.

Aaa aaa aaa achoo

Back to business. Have to combine cereal from yesterday with today's.

Getting hair done

The girls do the breakfast dishes.

Amelia with Harold's puppy

Gathering time

It was Harold's first time being leader.

He usually whines to be the first at the window to check the weather. Not today. He was way too fascinated with getting a chance to have the big Bible.

Number of the Day

Trying out a new schedule, where we take a break after snack for Wii FitU.

While they take a break, it gives me a chance to work on the craft.

Older girls working on their craft while Hannah and Harold finish up their Wii Fit U time.

Then the younger two come to work on their craft...

...while the older two work on workboxes.

Pretty colors

Clean up time

Pattern blocks are quite popular.

Love his look of concentration.

He was getting a little frustrated because he couldn't get the last one to stay up.

Stacking blocks. She was supposed to be sorting them and decided to stack them as well, which was getting her a bit frustrated as the table kept getting bumped.

Finally, success!

As I mentioned, it was Harold's first time to be the leader, which also means it was his first time to pick the show.

The girls have been picking Magic School Bus constantly lately and keep saying Daniel Tiger is now ick and a baby's show. Funny how well they sat to watch the baby show.

Lunch time time

Stealing Frog and Toad together

Computer time for Amelia

While Tabitha works on her aim with Logic of English.

Amelia joined in for some Spelling Basketball.

Spinning, spinning

Breakfast for Dinner Thursday

Making his "lunch"

It was fun to listen to them from the other room.

Not quite ready to be up from his nap, I think.

Almost time to eat.

Watching daddy leave for work.

Time to finish eating.

Of course, Tabitha needed her computer time.

Yum yum


A bit of a yarn mess

I actually got ALL of the dishes done before bedtime. Quite the accomplishment for me now that our dishwasher doesn't work.

It does make a great second dish drainer though.

They all decided to make rooms for their puppies and give them a snack. I didn't realize what they were doing until after I saw they were using real food. Arrrgghh.

Cookies is eating, not smoking. Just wanted to clarify.

 New VIF is up.

 Crazy kids

Finishing up her worksheets.

Second clean up.

Up to bed

Perhaps I will get some reading done.

Probably not, but they will.

Or maybe they won't.

Snuggle time

 Snuggle time was invaded so they could watch the first two songs of Frozen with us.

They said they were going to listen to Frozen from outside our bedroom door. So, I never put it back on. I was going to read for a while and then play the movie again, but I fell asleep reading.


  1. Love your day! What a good idea to o hair while they eat. I need to try that with Josie. And I love that you have designated computer time. I always struggle with online reviews because in the afternoons we usually watch a show or go outside. I'm going to start a computer time in the afternoons! We love Daniel tiger at our house too.

  2. That cookbook is well loved! I love it!
    Can I ask what are the pattern blocks called? I am coming home this summer and I need to find those exact ones...


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