
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Photo Round-Up: March 16, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Doorway, Candid, Open, Look Up, Stuffed


This is the doorway into the children's room in our library. Isn't it cool?


I take a lot of candid shots throughout the day, but they are usually of the children doing schoolwork. I liked this picture that I snapped during Story Hour on Saturday. They were enjoying a story about leprechauns.

Of course, I liked these two shots of Harold playing in the church nursery last Sunday too.


An open (and empty) box of donuts. Hubby couldn't resist the temptation any longer and had to grab a half dozen of their donut of the month.

Look Up

Harold noticed this dragon on the bookshelf at the library for the first time this weekend. I had to grab a shot, even though I had already taken the one below for this prompt.


And here is the stuffed puppy that hubby gave me for Valentine's Day. It is stuffed between our pillows to make it sit up straight.


I completely failed on the photo-a-day challenge this week. Just had a hard time with the prompts, when I looked at them.


  1. Something about children and libraries and reading and stories all together makes great pictures.

  2. I love the shots of your children! I need to resolve to take more pictures of mine...I couldn't take a picture of her doing school-work though, because it would get her off track and we would be 30 minutes trying to get back on.

  3. These are great pictures! I always forget to do photo of the days prompts, I don't blame you.

  4. These pictures are really great and that donut looks really tasty!

  5. Miss all that fun of going to the library with the boys when they were young. Enjoyed looking through your photos this week and reminiscing. The dragon shot has got to be my favorite!

  6. These are nice photos, and sooo sweet ones of the kiddos (AND the donut).. They seem to be oblivious of you the camera during story time.

  7. The door way looks amazing. I love the picture of Harold looking up at the dragon.

  8. Very clever pictures and it looks like a fun place!


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