
Monday, February 25, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: Our Color Tins 2013 continue: Orange

It is that time of year again, the time of year where we focus on 1 color of the rainbow per muffin tin until we reach St. Patrick's Day and have our Rainbow Tin. Last year we had the muffin tins closer together, this year we will be having 2 tins a week (on Monday and Thursday).
Here is this year's Orange Muffin Tin (we had them last week):

The girls had:
Orange bell peppers
Fish sticks
Cheese Nips
Peach yogurt
Mandarin oranges
Silk Fruit & Protein Mango Peach Drink

Harold had Cheese Nips, Fish Sticks and Mandarin Oranges, all cut up into bite sized pieces.

Stay tuned for our other color muffin tins as we make our way to St. Patrick's Day! We will be having our Yellow Muffin Tin later this week.

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