
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: December 5, 2012 (w/linky)- First Bath in the Big Tub

Okay, I realize I just shared some baby milestones last week, but these pictures were too cute NOT to share. I do have to start sharing more of the girls though, I know. 

Daddy decided to give him his bath tonight and it didn't dawn on me at first why he was asking for the camera. I finally realized he was going to give baby Harold his very first bath in the big bathtub.

Can you tell baby Harold was not too pleased, to put it mildly?

He did get over it quickly though.

He was having a blast playing with his diaper.

All ready for bed:

Tired little guy.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. You are right these are way too cute!! He didn't look too happy with the big boy bath!

    Also I made a mistake on the first link! Sorry!


  2. What a lovely series and as a mother isn't that last photo the best!

  3. He is so cute heheh! what a lovely set of photos, you can watch him squirm when you show him when hes a lot older heheh!

    Have a fantabulosa WW! and week :-)

  4. Cute!! At least it ends with a smile and a clean baby :)

  5. Aw - poor guy!! But, look at those smiles at the end!!

    My Organized Chaos

  6. What a great series of pics!

  7. Cute shots of Harold! I like how eventually he was smiling and off to a wonderful nap. Thanks for hosting.

  8. Oh I'd think he'd like it. He has a lot more room to splash about. He's so cute!

  9. What a cute little one! Wait til you can't get him out of the tub!!

  10. Oh yeah, he does not seem to be liking that much at all! lol! Cute shots though! His expressions are precious.

  11. What a cutie!! Thanks for linking up.

  12. Definitely pictures to show his children some day.

  13. Awww! Those pictures are so cute. He is a doll! My kids didn't like their first real bath either.

  14. Aw, great photos! My little guy was so scared of the big tub that we ended up using the small one until he outgrew it!

  15. aahaha..this is so cute! Lovely shots indeed! :)

  16. your little bundle of joy is so cute...

    visiting from wordless..mine is up

  17. Maybe it was the photos being taken while in the bath that was making him upset. You know, that's future embarrassment material right there lol.

  18. I love how a nice bath wears babies out and prepares them for bed. Same with the elderly.

  19. Awwww, what a sad little face! He is just too cute.

  20. Awww....! So cute!
    I remember having shower doors like that when my kids were little. I got mad enough one day that I marched out grabbed a screwdriver, marched back in, and took them out! They were such a pain.

  21. Awww.. how cute!! First bath is either loved or hated. lol He was having a great time with the diaper though. ;)

  22. Aww, soon he'll be lovin every minute of that tub. What a cutie pie he is

  23. Aww, poor little guy. They either like it or hate it the first few times. At least he was smiling after. :)

  24. awww, so precious and adorable.

    My WW is kitchen remodeling and thick snow. Happy WW!

  25. Cutie! Love the black spot too :)

  26. I love how he fell asleep so quickly! I think next time, if he's not so tired and there are glow in the dark toys in the big scary bathtub, then he might not be so scared. I'm thinking of all the neat Pinterest photos I've seen. I'm still trying to find a shop in our town that sells glow in the dark toys. Our mall doesn't have any! :)

  27. Oh my gosh, look at that little face! Precious!

  28. Scandal, mare scandal.

  29. Aww. He was just overwhelmed by all that water! So cute!!

  30. He went through the full range of emotions! lol :) so sweet, I miss those days.

  31. Dad this is Big water! another milestone crossed.

  32. next time he will be splashing & playing ;o)

  33. This brought back memories! My little guy HATED the bath! Those photos are soooooo cute of your little fusser.

  34. He's such a cutie! Have you considered dressing him up as a Who for Christmas? ^.^

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Autumn Sunset

  35. Poor thing he was so unhappy~! But he does a have an adorable pouty face :( Followed by a big grin when he got out of the tub lol Mine was just the opposite he laughed the whole time in the tub and was mad when I took him out lol.

  36. What an adorable little guy! My little guy is scared of our stall shower (he's 2). The house we just moved into has no tub, so that all we got to 'bathe' him.

  37. next time he will be splashing & playing ;o)


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