
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Giveaway Opportunity at Teaching Espanol: Fun Spanish For Kids CD

I discovered a new blog while I was looking at giveaways this afternoon, Teaching Espanol. I have been wanting to teach the girls more spanish, but it wasn't one of the many languages I really learned well. We taught some French and Spanish at the Montessori in addition to sign language. So I can teach the basics. And we have watched some different DVD's at times. I am always on the look out for some more fun ways to teach Spanish. If you would like your children to learn some Spanish head on over to Teaching Espanol and check out this giveaway.
Giveaway ends Nov 30th


  1. Thanks for sharing!! Heading over there now.

  2. My daughter is almost 2 and I've been trying to teach her spanish as a second language for over a year :)) New follow via Moms Bookshelf hop!

  3. There are many online DVD and audio’s available for kids and adults. Such synergistic DVD’s are a best way to pick up grammar. Also, you can find many websites that offer video games to help children learn Spanish.


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