
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Meals inspired by Madeline

 I have a bit of catching up to do with my blog posts. Last week we rowed the book Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans. If you have never heard of this book I invite you to check out my This Week We are Reading Post.  Madeline takes place in Paris, France. So we had a couple of meals this week that focused on "French" foods, and no, I don't mean French Fries.
I found a great, delicious, scrumptious recipe for Chicken Cordon Bleu over at (I just love this site).  The girls did help put the ham and swiss cheese on the chicken, unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.

I put it over rice and served the sauce (which is part of the recipe) over the top.

Then I added some French cut green beans and French bread. The bread was NOT homemade, though the Five in a Row manual does have a recipe for French Rolls. I just decided I didn't want the added stress of trying to make bread too. So, I opted for the yummy refrigerated French loaf from Pillsbury.

Tabitha wasn't too sure she liked it.

Amelia chowed down.

Hannah seemed to enjoy the rice and beans. She's not big on meat or chicken right now.

Later that same evening we made "French Pastries." This was an idea I found on the Five in a Row site on their message boards. It's a very simple idea. First you take refrigerated crescent rolls and unroll them. Then you put some chocolate chips on the long side and roll them up. 

I had to add some Reese's chips to half of these as I have been craving chocolate and peanut butter lately. 
Guess I forgot to get the after pictures. They were good though.

We also had another night of dinner inspired from the French. These two recipes were from the Five in a Row  cookbook. We had Quiche (actually for the second time in a week. Hubby had requested Quiche on Thursday for our Breakfast for Dinner Thursday. I used the recipe I have from It didn't dawn on me that it was French and went really well with our theme of the week. So, we had it again on Saturday. 

This time I served it with a fruit platter that Tabitha helped me arrange. It was mentioned in the cookbook that the French enjoy fruit platters.


  1. HI, thanks for linking up to my follow friday blog hop! I hope you will come back again this week for the facebook link up. I'm a new follower here. Have a great week!

  2. Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog,
    I am already a happy follower, so, I gave you a vote on Picket Fence!
    Have a nice evening.

  3. I love that you incorporated French food into your lessons about Madeline! Your children are learning so much about culture in addition to literature!

  4. What fun! I love French foods and all these pictures look yummy.

    Thanks so much for joining Flock Together this week. Hope you'll come back again!

  5. Your pictures all look delicious! Thanks for sharing with NOBH.


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