
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday: September 20, 2011

Tabitha and Amelia were in the playroom pretending to watch a Buffalo Bills game. I kept hearing:
"lets go buffalo, let's go buffalo
Then I heard, "Let's go Buffalo, thank you for winning!!"
And they sang Sweet Caroline, the song they sing when the Bills win.

When we were walking one day a friend of mine said hello to us from her porch. After we were on our way again, I told the girls I had known my friend since their big brothers and sister were little.
Tabitha said, "And we were still waiting to get into your uterus."

The other day we were waiting for a parade to start (Krystal was going to be in it as she is in the band), so we stopped at the school playground for a while. Tabitha was the only one awake at first, so she played for a while, then Amelia woke up. As I got her out of her car seat I told her to be quiet so Hannah could keep sleeping.
Amelia said, "I slept through thunder at China."
No clue were that came from.

When we were in the Bills parking lot after the game Sunday, just waiting for the traffic to die down so we could get out of there, Tabitha yelled to someone, "Bye! My daddy made me a Bills fan! Bye!"

Grandma and Grandpa were visiting today. After Amelia had her bath grandma was putting her diaper on her. She was asking Amelia if the monkey on the diaper went in the front. Amelia pointed to her private area and said, "This is my front."

Way back far ago (when Grandma helped Amelia). This is something she says often.

When Tabitha is told to do something she doesn't want to do or to not do something she sometimes get mad and says one or both of these:
"I'm not happy at you."
"You killed my heart."


  1. Aww, that "you killed my heart", grabs at you!

  2. the uterus comment was too funny! My kids have been asking how old they were when I was in high school and stuff:) it's funny to see them trying to understand!


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