
Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Week We are Reading: Papa Piccolo (FIAR)

I have decided to share the books we are reading each week in a separate post before the week in review post, that way my review post is not so long. Just trying out something new.

This week we are rowing the book Papa Piccolo by Carol Talley.
Papa Piccolo Families, Fatherhood Children's Book)

Piccolo is a tomcat who lives for adventure in the city of Venice, Italy.  He has no cares in the world as he explores the city. While out exploring one night he comes across a cardboard box that contains two abandoned kittens.  Not knowing where the mother is he sings them a lullaby to help them fall asleep and then heads on his way with a friend. The next morning the kittens show up, steal some food and will not leave his side. This obviously is not a very thrilling turn of events for the adventurous cat. Unfortunately he can't shake them or find anyone to watch them. When they go off on their own he discovers he is lonely and he becomes melancholy, not heading out for his adventures. Where are they? Will they return? What will he do about them if they do come back?

We are enjoying reading this book. We are learning about the canals in the city of Venice and how the people travel by different kinds of boats. Of course the girls love the cats and kittens too. The mischievous little kittens slowly find a place in Piccolo's heart as they insinuate themselves into his life. I like the way the author has used several Italian phrases for us to learn. Now the children are asking for more words in Italian. Gotta love the internet.

Linking to



  1. This sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you for linking up at NOBH. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Oh, I still want to read this book! Thanks for joining WMCIR!


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