
Monday, August 15, 2011

School Time Ww lessons

Okay, I have no idea what week this is supposed to be as I have not been very motivated this summer.  So, I am not even going to number them any more.  We are almost done with our alphabet.  Sort of zinging through a bit, but doing so in a way that is at least getting something of substance done.

We started off with our words/pictures of the week.  I haven't been making the word cards or picture cards.  Instead I give the children their page with W pictures printed on it and I write one word at a time on the chalk board. They find the picture and color it. Then later on we still cut and glue them onto a capital letter, this week it was the W.

I had the girls make some big W's. I made the dashes for Amelia to join.

For Hannah I just wrote the W and had her color to her heart's content.

For Tabitha I just put dots at a few points.
We used these later on. I will share in a bit.  

Of course we did our W collage.   Our words are wolf, wagon, worm, wasp and walrus.

I decided to draw some lines for Amelia to follow while cutting.  It really helped her.

And yes, Hannah was right in there with us again this week. She is getting old to fast. 

Here is our W Walkway. Told you I would share what we used our W papers for.

The girls got to walk on the W's, they brought their Winnie the Pooh's with them.  I would say different words. If they started with W, they got to walk to the next W, if it didn't, they stayed put. They had a great time.

Winnie the Pooh joining us for lesson:

We talked about wind this week, which went along really well with our Weaver Interlock. I had decided to wait because we were to be discussing Day 2 of Creation, God created air.  We talked about how all living things need air and we can't see air. But we can see the results of the wind.  Then I blew up some balloons.  As I finished blowing up each one, I asked the girls if we had enough for every one (Tabitha, Amelia, Hannah and mom of course).  When they said no I asked them how many more we needed.  And as I blew up the next one we would add on by 1.  I knew Tabitha knows how to do this, but Amelia did pretty well too.  Then the girls had some fun batting them around. I brought the fan into the living room and we blew them around the room and then I pointed the fan up to the ceiling and they had a blast watching the balloons fly around.

We read some books about wind:
The Wind Blew
In this book the wind blows one thing after another away from different people.  As the wind takes away one person's belonging, you will notice the next person in the background of the page.  At the end there are a whole bunch of people chasing their belongings until the wind jumbles them all together.  

Feel the Wind (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
This book had some great information about wind, but it was a bit over the children's heads and I found myself shortening it a bit for now.

What Can You Do in the Wind? by Anna Grossnickle Hines was a  short board book about different things you can do in the wind.

One Windy Wednesday (Giggle Club)
The children liked this story about the wind stealing the noises from the animals and mixing them up so that the animals were saying the wrong thing.  The little boy got all the sounds attached to the correct animals just in time for a little breeze to come by and start the problem all over again.  I think we may have heard this one at Story Time last year too.

We also read some books about Walking
I Went Walking (Live Oak Readalong)
In this story the boy comes upon several different animals as he goes for a walk. It is very similar to Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see? in that each page ends with "What did I see?" The boy spies the animal and we see just a little bit of it, so we get to guess what the next animal is.  Then the animals all follow the boy.

Rosie'S Walk
Another book where the illustrations help you to anticipate what is going to happen.  Rosie the hen decides to go for a walk across the farm.  She is unaware of the fox following her.  As she goes along the fox tries to catch her, but some mishap always stops him.  I love that you are left wondering if the fox will catch the hen on each page. You have to turn the page to see how the fox misses again.

Wiggle Waggle
In this book we get to see and hear the way different animals walk.  The girls loved acting out the different animals.  My favorite is the camel that goes Galump, galump, galump. Other animals were the elephant, the penguin and the cat to name a few.

We started making a "wind chime" but didn't get a chance to finish.  Not sure how it will work either. I'll try to share the results later on this week.
I am linking to:

Tot School

Shibley Smiles

The Attached Mama’s Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection

Classified: Mom
Also linking to:

No Ordinary Blog Hop


  1. I love all of the ideas on your blog. I'm not a homeschooling mommy but I am a teacher. Unfortunately I'm teaching Grade 6 this year otherwise I might have to borrow some of your ideas. I might have to use some of them once my little one gets a bit bigger.

  2. I love all the W activities! The wind books look wonderful.

  3. Oh my goodness! I cant believe how quickly Hannah is growing up! It seems like she was just born! Fun week!

  4. Sounds like a good "W" week. I miss doing things like the alphabet. Fun stuff!

  5. You found a lot of great books for your W week. Thanks for joining WMCIR!

  6. Your ideas look so fun! The walkway is such a good idea.


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