
Monday, June 6, 2011

School Time Week 35: The Start of Rr

Well, this week didn't go entirely as planned.  The girls were not interested in the new curriculum at all.  We did have our muffin tin on Monday of course.  I went with a patriotic tin:

The girls also colored their R pictures.  This week's words are:
rabbit, Rosie the Robot, rat, radish, raccoon and rocket.  I realize you can't really see the R pictures in the following shot.  I actually wanted to share how much Amelia's cutting skills have improved.  She cut this out all by herself.  

I did cut them a little smaller so they would fit on the R though.  Unfortunately I only have a picture of Tabitha's:

The girls spent a lot of time coloring this week.  Mommy spent a lot of time rethinking her plan, trying to decide if the curriculum is going to "work."  All in all there were a lot of distractions this week, so I have at least decided to give it another try.  The girls really did enjoy it last week.  

I thought they did a nice job working on rainbows this week.  I actually worked on this one with Tabitha:
Tabitha wanted me to draw some fairies, then she tried one.  And for some reason she was making lots of bathrooms for them to use.  

Then a storm came along.

I didn't get any details from Amelia:

One day Tabitha planned the lesson and wanted us "girls" to color a picture.  For the life of me I can't remember if it was supposed to be a church or a castle.

The girls decided to have a box boat race (race conveniently starts with r).  They started in the kitchen and went clear through to the living room.  Of course I didn't get a picture of the actual race and Amelia didn't want to be in the picture.

We spent a lot of time with daddy this week. On Monday we had a cookout over at the park. We got to sit at the new picnic tables.

And daddy came with us to play group:

More fun at the park (we are over there every evening after dinner when it is not raining):

Tabitha sat in the stroller and I set Hannah down on her lap for a short stroll from one swing set to the other.

Then the girls found something to follow:

Can you see the tiny toad?

And they had some fun watering the garden

While we didn't get much school work done, we did get a lot of learning done.  In fact today we went grocery shopping and Tabitha was asking what everything was in the produce section and I was asked to weigh a bunch of fruits and vegetables.

I did read some R books this week too.

Our Sesame Street R book is titled Ernie's Riddle
Ernie asks Bert, who of course is busy reading, if he would like to guess a riddle.  Bert spends time guessing R items while Ernie gives him different clues.  When Bert guesses right he gets a  prize.  He gets to listen to Ernie sing "Row, row, row your boat."

I thought it was appropriate that the next book was also one big riddle.
Round Like a Ball! by Lisa Campbell Ernst. 
Round Like a Ball
In this book we are trying to figure out what is round like a ball, beautiful, both wet and dry, hot and cold, surrounded by air, among many other attributes.  On each page there is a round hole cutout to show increasingly more of the final picture.  The answer is the earth and we are then told how important it is to take care of it.

Which lead us right into our next book
Recycle Every Day! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
Recycle Every Day!
In this story Minna is to be working on a poster about recycling for a school poster contest.  The winners' posters will be featured in a calender.  Each day of the week Minna's family learns a different way to recycle and take care of our Earth, from giving used clothes to a community clothing bank to using reusable containers instead of plastic wrap and lots of other ideas in between.  Each day she is asked if she knows what she is going to do for her poster and she replies that she is still thinking.  The reader has to wait to the very end to see if Minna's poster has been chosen for the calendar. We also get to see each of the other winning posters which give even more ideas on how to recycle.

As soon as we were done reading this book Tabitha wanted to make her own calendar.  She started coloring a page for each month and gluing a mini cupcake paper on each page, for some reason.

And then we had the children pick a toy to "recycle" and we took it to the thrift shop.  

Plus we are reading some books from the Sonlight P 3/4 curriculum  I really am enjoying the Harper Collins Treasury Picture Book Classics.

HarperCollins Treasury of Picture Book Classics: A Child's First Collection

The book list for the P 3/4 has a lot of treasuries on it.  So far this is my favorite because each page in the book is one page from the original book.  If you have never seen some treasuries before you may not realize that some will include multiple pages on one page in order to fit lots of books in the treasury.  I also enjoy that there are activity suggestions after each story.  So far we have read Eric Carle's From Head to Toe several times.  We acted out dogs and cats and then we spent some time online finding out what different animals sound like.  I never knew what rhino's sounded like.  They are really cute.  Youtube is a great place to find animal videos and sounds.  The girls also requested A Baby Sister For Frances by Russell Hoban a couple of times. When Frances feels things are not quite great at home anymore with the new baby she runs away, to under the dining room table.  Pretending Frances can't hear them her parents remind each other of how much Frances means to them. And we read Pete's a Pizza by William Steig today.  When Pete is having  a bad day because he can't play ball because of the rain his dad pretends to make him into a pizza.  

I am looking forward to reading more of these selections.  I am probably going to write a list of all the other books in the other treasuries and just get the books out a few at a time.

Tiny Tot Time

Hannah loves going through the cupboard.  This time she found the plastic knives and started putting them in a empty (clean) juice container.  I believe it was in the recyclables bag.

I am linking to:

Tot School

Shibley Smiles

Classified: Mom
Also linking to:

No Ordinary Blog Hop


  1. Lots of great R words and of course Rainbow and Rain are the best ones! Love all your drawings and colouring!!! And all the fun times exploring the garden! Perfect!

    Thanks for linking to Kids Get Crafty!


  2. Love your new header.

    I love that treasury too. The large pictures are so nice for this age.

    Just popping in from tot school.

  3. Looks like it was all so much fun with your "R" activities, the park picnics, watering the garden and reading great books! I bet that following that little toad was fascinating for your children! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful tot times on NOBH! :)

  4. what a fab week. Love that bouncy castle

  5. Love the picture of Hanna watering the garden with daddy. Lucia loves to put things inside I have to try the plastic knifes. Thanks for linking up.

  6. Great post mama- lots of fun R words and awesome art going on! Thanks for sharing it at The Sunday Showcase.
    Aimee @ Classified: Mom


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