
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: May 4, 2011

Welcome to Words of Wisdom Wednesday. If you are new to Words of Wisdom Wednesday, I'm so glad you stopped by.  In Words of Wisdom Wednesday I post the answer to the question I posed to the girls this week.  I just want to get them thinking and I am intrigued by the way their minds work.  I invite you to ask the same question to your children and post their answer on your blog.  At the end of the post there will be a linky for you to join up with which will be open all week.  I just ask that you link back here in your post so others can hear about Words of Wisdom Wednesday.  In fact, if you would like to grab my button it is over on my sidebar.

This week I asked the girls four questions.  I was hopping around, checking out Tiny Talk Tuesday posts, when I came across some great questions for Mother's Day that Kelly over at In Everything asked her children.  She gave me permission to use them with my girls:

What does a mother do?

Here is Tabitha's answer:
Um, a mother cooks, because mommies have to cook when it's dinner time

Here is Amelia's answer:

What is the best part of being a mom?

Here is Tabitha's answer:
Putting in time out when we don't listen.

Here is Amelia's answer:

What is the worst part of being a mom?

Here is Tabitha's answer:
Being bad, that's the worst part of being mom.

Here is Amelia's answer:
Napping (she actually got this answer from Tabitha who had suggested it for the previous question, but I couldn't get her to answer anything else)

What is the most important thing a mom needs to teach her kids?

Here is Tabitha's answer:
Do lesson.  And play with us.  And play again.  Hold on (runs out of the room and comes back with embroidery hoop) This blue circle is craft stuff that helps us do lessons.

Here is Amelia's answer:
Lesson.  We glue H's together

I'd love for you to join in.


  1. Ooo I love this!! My kids are all in school :( So I will have to ask them when they get back!! Thank you for such a wonderful idea!

  2. That is too cute! I love seeing their perspectives.



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