
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday: May 3, 2011

Last week I didn't get to post a Tiny Talk post because our internet was down.  Typical me, I don't know where all the little comments disappeared to.  Here are a few I could find.

I believe this little conversation actually took place around Hannah's birthday and the envelope it was written on got buried.
Tabitha: I'm a birthday girl too, 'cause I like birthdays.
Mom: Why do you like birthdays?
Tabitha: Because I like birthday cake.
Amelia: I like birthdays too.

During one of the storms last week there had been some lightning and thunder.  Amelia said to Krystal, "Krystal, storm, plug your ears."

We had some balloons around the house and one popped.  
Tabitha: It popped because it ran out of air.
Amelia: It ranned out of air.

We were sitting in the car waiting to go and Tabitha said, "Move the car to make it drive."

We had been anticipating going to a friend's baby shower for a couple of weeks.  Here is one conversation that took place:
Amelia: Go to the baby wash.
Daddy: What exactly is a baby wash?
Amelia: The babies in the bath tub.
At the baby shower this past Saturday (all 4 girls were with me) the girls played in the nursery with the other children that were present. The shower took place in the church basement where we go to play group.  We were getting ready to go home and Amelia asked, "Where is the baby shower?"

This last quote from Tabitha amazed me.  We were getting ready to go over to the park, which is finally open again for the "season."
Tabitha: Trees keep us alive because they have air that keeps us alive.
I could not figure out how she knew this, I had never talked to her about trees and carbon dioxide and oxygen before.  Found out last night that daddy had talked to her about it a while back. Still amazes me that she remembered.

Head on over to Mary's blog, Not Before 7, to see more great quotes.


  1. Kids have fantastic memories!

    Love the baby wash quote =)

  2. Cute stuff! So true about the memories that children have!!

  3. What funny and cute kids!

  4. So cute!!! My niece is almost 4 (going on 15) and saying her prayers the other night her mom overheard her say "Heavenly father, please make me funny so people will laugh at my jokes..." Kids are hysterical. I love this post, it has put a smile on my face! Your girls are a trip!

  5. Very cute:) Thanks for linking up to NOBH:)


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