
Sunday, January 16, 2011

School Time: Week 17 Dd Concluded: Donuts, Dots, and Drums

This week we had a couple of days of actual "lessons," but those days were quite full.   We are still learning about the letter/sound Dd, so I decided we would make homemade donuts with the recipe from our bread machine.

Pouring in the milk

and the butter

Now it is time for the flour

Doing good...

As you can see, she had a little mishap.  Further down I will share what my floor looked like after said mishap.

Time to throw it in the machine.

Anyway, her mishap gave her a chance to use her new broom she got from Christmas (I ordered them from Montessori Services)

We just grabbed our old dustpan as I didn't want her new dustpan all flour.

Tabitha wanted to help too.  Isn't it great that at this age they want to help.

While we waited on the donuts we played our donut game. Last week I made the donuts with the girls.  I just cut out a donut shape in white construction paper.  Then I cut out the brown paper to look like chocolate glaze.  The girls glued them together.

  To play the game we used pony beads as sprinkles and I made game cards.  We had cards numbered where the girls could add on 1-5 sprinkles, represented by the dots.  Or they could lose 1-3 sprinkles (I wrote these cards in red pencil and left only used outlines of dots instead of the black dots). We drew one card per turn and added or subtracted the designated number of  "sprinkles."  The winner was the one with the most sprinkles after we ran out of cards.

When the dough was ready we rolled it out.

And cut out the donuts.  We used a glass as we don't have a donut cutter.

Yummy donuts:

I forgot to take a picture until they were almost all gone.  I fried them up while the girls were sleeping and them I sprinkled on cinnamon sugar.

We made dotty d's

And D drums.  First they wanted to play their drums.

Then we glued on the "d"

And traced the design.

Amelia was so proud of her H and l she wrote all by herself.

And Tabitha's:

Then we had a "Find the difference" meal:

What kind of meal is this mom?

Then for the fun of it, they had a roll up meal (you'd have thought I was doing the letter R, but I was just having fun.  Actually Steven and I were having wrap sandwiches so I made the children: peanut butter and jelly wraps, cheese rolls, turkey rolled around some spinach leaves and spiral cheesies.)

Tiny Tot Time

Hannah is starting to stand while holding on to things.

She likes the activity cube.  However, when she leans on it it stops spinning and the music stops.

This is how I keep her in the living room, now that she is crawling.


Playing with her foam alphabet.  The older girls had some,but I never liked the fact that some of the letters just looked weird.  I like these big ones we found.  I like the girls to have lots of letters to play with, taking some advice from the book Native Reading by Timothy Kailing that I purchased when Tabitha was little (two years ago).  My children didn't start reading as young as the author's children, but I definitely agree with exposing them to letters in a fun way.

And I try to let her color, but she is still more interested in eating the crayons.

I am linking up to

preschool corner

Tot School

The Attached Mama’s Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection


  1. What a fun week!!! I love the d is for drums :-)

  2. I like that you made your own doughnut game and the spot the difference lunch is a great idea! Popping over from Preschool Corner - Pam

  3. I love the idea for a difference lunch! It would be perfect for Muffin Tin Monday. Cooking looks like fun too.


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