
Saturday, January 8, 2011

School Time: Week 16 D: Dinosaurs, Dots and More

This week we started our letter D lessons.  On Monday I printed the girls out a picture of Dora to color, I even found a Dora maze for Tabitha to do.  Of course, we had our D Muffin Tin.  The theme was supposed to be picks, skewers and kebobs, but I didn't have any.  Silly me forgetting I could have used toothpicks.  I should have known better as I have made groundhog day cupcakes in the past that had groundhogs taped to toothpicks. Oh well, I still liked our D muffin tin.

On Wednesday I printed out a Dinosaur picture because the girls wanted to use the watercolor paints they got for Christmas.

Did I mention they just got these for Christmas?  And this was the first time using them.

Tabitha's did a better job keeping them clean:

As we were coloring dinosaur pictures I asked the girls if they would like to have the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets again.  When they said yes I had this idea.  Why not do another muffin tin?  This time, though, I would let the girls help put it together instead of surprising them as I do every Monday.

First they sorted the dots:

Then they helped get the broccoli:

Amelia decided to mix her dips:

Daddy was home for a few days, so I asked him to take a few pictures of me with the girls for a change.  It also helped me focus more on what we were doing.

Calendar time:

Working on our word cards.  First I show them the word and we try to sound it out.  Then I show them the picture.

On this day we laid the word cards down.  Then we flipped them to the word side and when I gave them the picture cards they had to try to find the right word and lay the picture on top of it.

Then we checked to see if we were correct.

I wanted the girls to paint dots on paper with soda bottle caps.  Amelia wanted to paint a dinosaur.  We compromised.

We painted dots onto dinosaurs.

Amelia had a little trouble understanding to use one cap for each color.

I think it is so neat that the girls want to exercise on the WiiFit like mommy and daddy. Amelia is trying to figure out how to use the Wii remote and the nunchuck to play Kung fu:

The Wii fit is our only way to get exercise right now.

For Montessori, I brought the tonging and dry pouring back out.  With white pompoms to represent snow balls.

Amelia can use the tongs now.  

I noticed the pompoms might not be a good idea because they stick together and come out in a clump.

Some Tiny Tot pictures (oh and time with daddy)

Hannah standing only holding on with one hand.

What baby doesn't like glasses?

I just thought this was so sweet.

For our Blogging to Bible Study family edition lessons we reviewed creation.  I will share a separate post with those pictures and will include the link as soon as I have it ready.

Right now I am linking up to 

preschool corner

Tot School

   Daddy's Time Friday over at My Tot Learning Time


  1. A busy week :-) I love your dinosaur shaped nuggets. Can you share how you make them. Love.

  2. What a fun week! I love those little compartment plates! :)


  3. Great week! WiiFit is a favorite here too.

  4. Looks like a fun week. I miss the days of fun letter activities.

  5. I love the tonguing and pouring activy. I'm happy you are going to link up this week.The dinosaur idea is really good I'm trying it as I'm in my second week of letter d. Kisses from your bloggy friend


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