
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blizzard Blog Hop

"Hundreds of fabulous Bloggers [are attenting] the 2011 BlissDom Conference sponsored by Blissfully Domestic in Nashville.  Ann Marie, over at Household 6 Diva, is hosting this Blizzard Bloghop for the many many bloggers who are unable to attend said conference.
 Here is the info from Ann Marie's blog:

Remember, you need to have a Blizzard Bloghop button posted on your blog sidebar to be eligible to win one of the lovely giveaways!  Winners will be announced on Monday! (Button code & Explanation here)

Oh! And if this is the first you've heard of the Blizzard Bloghop, feel free to join in on the fun!  Just write an introduction post and sign the Linky! (You can click here for an example post!)

Just are a few quick thoughts before we begin!

-  Please sign the Linky with your Bloghop post address, instead of your homepage.

-  Please link back to Household 6 Diva so we don't lose anyone out there in cyberspace.

-  Comment generously - It's what we Bloggers live for - am I right?  :)

I will be leaving the Linky open until Sunday, January 30th at midnight EST,
(thats 6pm Germany time, 8am Alaska time, and 1am in Korea)
so please encourage your bloggy friends and readers to join in on the fun! 

OK - Let's get to the Meet n Greet shall we?
Please use the #BlizzardBloghop hashtag on Twitter so we can chat while we hop!

And now for my post:

My name is Karen, though if you see comments from kewkew that is probably me.  I started this blog, Tots and Me almost a year and a half ago now.  I wanted some place to record the fun and creative things I was coming up with to help my children to learn.  And I wanted to have a record/journal of what we were doing, figuring it would be helpful when we are official homeschoolers in 4 years.  I also wanted to share my ideas so others could have some benefit from it.  Yes, it thrills me when I have comments and gain followers because I know I have made even a teeny impact.  

I blog mostly about the lessons, projects, meals and activities (Montessori at times) we do each week, linking up to various weekly wrap up linkys.  Of course the books we read are included.  Oh, and I take lots and lots of pictures.  Mainly of the girls.  Though I have joined in on photography challenges occasionally, I am no where near a professional photographer (though I am learning more).

I have a weekly link-up myself, called Words of Wisdom Wednesday where I ask my children a "Why do you think..." type question and record their answers.  I post and ask my readers to ask their children the same question, post about it and link up.

I also post giveaway opportunities that I find around the blogosphere that I feel will be of interest to my followers/readers.  So, mostly stuff that is geared toward children or mommies.  Check out my link at the top of my side bar for any current giveaways, either ones I find, or ones I am hosting.  Right now I have a giveaway going on for the book by Stefan Aschan called Alpine Weight Loss Secrets.  The think about this book and his "secrets" is it is not just about losing weight, it is about feeling younger, getting healthy, rejuvenating yourself.  Check out my review and enter the giveaway for your very own copy.

I also have a weight loss/spiritual growth blog called Turn My Life Around.  I would love for you to stop by for a visit.

I'm hoping to make lots of new bloggy friends during this blog hop.  So, how many of you are watching the snow fall outside your windows during this "blizzard" blog hop?  I am.


  1. Hi! Stopping by from the blog hop. Enjoyed you post. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  2. Sounds like a fun blog! I look forward to seeing your creative ideas for kids.

  3. I am always wanting to learn more about Montessori so I will be back! It is so nice to meet you :)

  4. ooooooh. new follower=me!! :)
    Heading to your weight loss blog now!

  5. Following from the Bee Happy Blog Hop! Looking forward to your posts.

  6. Hi!
    I'm visiting from the blog hop. I hope to be a mom someday and always love reading blogs about crafts for kids and homeschooling.

    Feel free to follow my blog:


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.