
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday/Wow! How they've changed!

It is driving me crazy that I can't find some of the comments I wrote down.  I debated waiting to post, but decided I might as well post now and if I find the comments I will just share them next week.  So here are the ones I found:

One of the songs we sing almost every night at Bible Time is "Climb, climb up sunshine mountain."  The girls take turns on daddy's lap as he does the motions (alot faster than we are supposed to do them).  Then at the end when they are pointing at themselves he tends to tickle them because he has a hold of their hands.  The one night this past week Tabitha told daddy, "I don't want to laugh because I'm gonna choke."

Last night we were going in to brush teeth before bed and I was singing some silly song about going to brush our teeth.  I wasn't really paying attention to what the girls were saying.  Suddenly Tabitha stated, "I repeated you." I asked her to explain what she meant and she said, "I copied you."  I realized then that she had been singing what I had been singing.

This morning Amelia had gotten her shirt on all by herself.  Tabitha looked at her and said, "She needs something to cover her legs, cause that's not modest." (she really emphasized "not modest")

I walked into the kitchen this morning where Amelia was already seated at the counter where the cereal and bowls were set out.  I noticed she had poured her own Life cereal in her bowl.  She said, "I poured this for my-self." I wish I could explain better how she emphasized the "my" in "myself." It was so cute.

I love that I am able to post things Amelia says now.  I was really looking at the pictures I posted today for Muffin Tin Monday and I realized Amelia has changed so much in the past year.  So, I went into my pictures to take a look at just how much they have changed.  Thought I would share some pictures to compare.

Tabitha 2009

 Tabitha 2010

 Amelia 2009

 Amelia 2010

 Hannah 2009

 Hannah 2010

My Special Girls:


  1. Your pictures are great! Such beautiful girls. Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  2. You girls are just precious!! Kids say the cutest things!

  3. Popping on over from hip homeschool hop, They grow so fast, I look back at pictures from just a few months ago and it is amazing!

  4. wow! it is amazing how they change before your eyes. i noticed that this week about my crew as i looked back at old home movies.

  5. She is starting to sound like grown up. I hear my words in my son's conversations too.

  6. Love the pictures you shared. You really can see how they have grown!

    What cuties! Hope she didn't laugh till she choked :)

  7. Oh, you have the cutest girls!

  8. What precious girls! And a fun blog too :)

    I'm following from Hip Homeschool Hop. You'd have fun learning while you play at, where Disney IS school. Hope you can stop by!


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