
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: November 23, 2010

Okay, somehow my day got away with me and I am a little late posting my Tiny Talk Tuesday.  

We went to my mom's for an early Thanksgiving on Wednesday.  There were some real cute interactions between my mom and Tabitha. (There probably would have been more with Amelia too, but she was not feeling 100%.)

Tabitha and grandma were in the kitchen while dinner was cooking.  
Tabitha: This is your kitchen.
Grandma: It's small.
Tabitha: Your kitchen is really small.
Grandma: It's big enough for me.
Tabitha: It's big enough for everybody.

Tabitha was telling grandma that she woke up early from her nap because she was hungry.  Then she said, "I think my tummy hurts.  I think I ate too much lunch."  
Just seemed a little contradictory to me.

Tabitha was showing grandma how she could write.  Grandma gave her a note paper and I helped her sound out the word "grandma."  When she was done she wanted to give it to grandma.  She said, "I'll fold it so you know where it is, so it won't get lost."

I was talking to hubby about the chocolate that grandma had given us to bring home.  I believe I may have been snacking on some before lunch.  The children were in the room, so I called it the brown stuff and spelled out chocolate.  Tabitha spoke up and said, "The chocolate is apple pie, right?"  Not exactly sure what she meant by that, just trying to figure out how she caught on to the chocolate in the first place.

At one point Tabitha was told she had to wait a minute for something.  She said, "Okay one is a minute," and kept saying, "one, one, one."

I was trying to get a picture of "sparkle" for Scavenger Hunt Sunday and had a candle lit.  Before I realized that Tabitha wanted to blow it out I had already done it.  She wanted me to relight it and I refused.  She said, "Fine, I'll just blow my cake fire out."

Tabitha was poking at my upper arm a few days ago.  
Tabitha: You have something here.  Maybe you have blood.
Mom: Yes everyone has blood running through their veins.
Tabitha: That's coming from the ketchup.

Later she was hugging my arm and snuggling behind my back. She said, "I'm taking your warmness away. ha, ha, ha."

Speaking of poking.  I had Hannah on my lap and she was chewing on a little dinosaur toy.  Amelia was poking at Hannah and then she said, "It bite-ed you."

I loved this one:
Amelia was in the process of getting dressed for the day, attempting to remove her pajamas.  They tend to get stuck around her ankles because of the elastic.  She said, "This silly thing isn't working right."  She was quite indignant.

A different morning she said, "This time my diaper didn't fall down tonight."  We have problems with the tabs breaking sometimes.

I know this got long, but I just had to record these.  Amelia is getting so vocal and coming up with so many cute comments.  I wish I could write the things she says the way she actually pronounces them.  She isn't quite clear yet, and it takes some deciphering sometimes.  More than I had to with Tabitha, but it is so worth it.

The one day for lunch I realized, after promising the girls pb&j, that I didn't have any bread. I told Amelia we didn't have bread so I was going to make spaghetti o's.  She said, "Let's go to the store and get me bread."

1 comment:

  1. Taking your warmness!

    Love the contradictions at that age...hungry and full at the same time :)

    Happy TTT!


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