
Saturday, November 27, 2010

School Time: Week 12

This week was spent getting ready for and celebrating Thanksgiving.  

We started out with our Muffin Tin Monday lunch.  The theme was Thanksgiving.

The girls helped make the Rice Krispie Turkeys.  I took the idea I found at the Rice Krispies website and just did it my way.  Those are cut gummies used for the wattle. I made them again for Thanksgiving and used mini chocolate chips for the eyes.

All the girls ready for "lesson time."  On the floor, in front of Amelia's foot, is the countdown turkey we used.  The girls got to take turns plucking turkey feathers each day.

I saw different versions of foot turkeys and decided to do ours' this way.  I traced the girls' feet on brown paper and cut them out.  The girl drew on eyes and glued on a beak and wattle.  Then they glued it onto the background paper, leaving the top part unstuck.

The girls picked out the leaves they wanted to use for the turkey's tail feathers.

I placed some glue.

And the girls glued on the leaves.

Here is our Footprint Turkey family.

Amelia wanted her baby to join us one day.

I found some cute craft ideas over at Making Learning Fun.  
The girls colored the turkey heads and feet I printed out and then colored the top 4 inches of a lunch size brown paper bag.

After I cut the heads and tails out I cut the end of the brown paper bags into tail feathers and the girls scrunched up newspaper to stuff the bags with.

  We had been reading a couple of different books about the pilgrims' thanksgiving and the Indians.  A book I have had since I was a girl is The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving by Ann McGovern. I also found Squanto and the First Thanksgiving by Teresa Celsi at the library. I wanted to make some pilgrims.  So, the next day we painted half paper towel tubes black.  I followed the directions at Making Learning Fun.  I taped paper around the bottom so they wouldn't paint too far.

They also painted two individual egg carton cups white and black.  These would become the pilgrim hats.

Then they made Indians.  They glued a brown paper strip to the front of a paper plate

Then wrapped it around and glued it on the back.  We added the feathers they had cut out. Then they drew on a face.

Here we are watching the Macy's parade.

Our turkeys and pilgrims were placed in the centerpiece, along with turkey Rice Krispies and chocolate pilgrim hats.  I found them on another blog.  You take an Oreo and place a marshmallow on top of it.  I attached it with frosting.  Then melt some chocolate chips and spread it over the top.  I was supposed to use white sprinkles for the buckle, but as I didn't have any I used coconut.

Thanksgiving dinner

Poor Hannah got the same old same old.
Half a jar of an orange vege with a teaspoon of green vege (peas or green beans) and a scoop of jarred baby food meat.  After 6 children this is the first time I ever tried this combination.  I know those meats look, smell and taste nasty, but there was concern over Hannah's lack of weight gain, so I started adding the meat.

Don't forget to check out this week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday question.

I'm am linking up to

preschool corner

Tot School

Shibley Smiles


  1. What a great week! I need to get my act back together with schooling!

  2. Wow looks like you guys had a great festive week. So many different ways to incorporate Thanks Giving!

    Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty! Fabulous to have you there!


  3. Wow! You guys got a lot done. I just couldn't with all the cooking. We even skipped fourth grade. LOL

  4. The turkey footprint turned out so cute! You guys had a great week at Tot School learning about Thanksgiving!

  5. what a great week! Love the turkey stuff! What is the significance of the turkey at Thanksgiving. In England we eat turkey at Christmas but we don't really think much about what it is like when it is alive lol! Its very yummy though! x


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