
Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Blog Hops: Nov 22, 2010

Time to find some cool new blogs.  I'm looking forward to making some new friends.  I hope you can take the time to check out my blog, if you like what you see I would love for you to follow my blog.  I also have a Facebook page you could "Like" and if you have a second, could you take the time to vote for my blog on Picket Fences.
Looking forward to visiting some new blogs this week. Have a blessed day.

Luxury Living Frugal Style


  1. I am a new follower. Hope you will visit me and follow back at

  2. Hi there!

    Let's see if I can remember everything from your blog comment (LOL!)...

    Math - most sites have placement tests, I definitely am "pro-placement test" as I placed Squeak too low once and she was bored to tears!

    Here is the enrollment link for BOOK IT!:

    You'll have to wait until next year though :-(

    Applebees Bookworm Club is here:

    I just emailed the gal, told her that I homeschool and she sent me some cards.

    Peak With Books - I did buy the book then sold it. I decided not to use the actual guide. But here is a listing of the books:

    Magic Treehouse books - something about them caused red flags in my spiritual discernment. I looked into them and decided not to use them. The Magic School Bus is the series we are enjoying. I do stay away from the books that would most likely mention millions of years - dino books. But they are a complete hit! I'm glad you guys like the Elliot's Park book!

    Does Tabitha have a birthday coming up? She will be 4, correct? That's great that she is working through Abeka readers. Squeak reads at a 1st grade level. She isn't super interested in reading so I really don't work with her much on it yet.

    We are going to start history in January! I'm going to dump all of the extras for a while and replace with history. I haven't "revealed" this yet! LOL!

    Ok, I think that's it!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and God bless you!!

  3. I am a new follower via Monday blog hop. Would love if you could follow me back at

  4. Following you already! We would love if you can check us @

  5. Hello, I'm sort of new to blogging and I'm looking for new friends. i like your blog and can't wait to see more. Please visit me at


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