
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: October 26th, 2010

One day while we were getting started with our Lesson Time, I was getting ahead of myself and almost forgot the Pledge of Allegiance.  This is what Tabitha said, "First we have to say the Flag of Allegiance."

This next one is actually an old one, I found the scrap of paper while cleaning.  I don't think I posted it before.  Tabitha likes to be the one to pray, though I can't remember if this was a prayer at mealtime or to begin lesson time, I think lesson time.  She prayed, "Dear God, Please help me to obey, 'cause i really love my mom and dad."  It just touched my heart so. 

The other day the girls were playing some silly games and I discovered how Amelia pronounces her name.  She was saying, "Sissy me me ah."  Can't remember what the sissy part was about.

On Saturday we made our tactile S using sunflower seeds.  So of course the girls wanted mommy to shell the seeds so they could eat some.  I insisted they wait until lunch.  As we were eating, Tabitha said, "Oh, we eat the nibble from inside."

The girls were really concerned about this spider that was found under the counter, mainly because it was right by where they eat.  However, at one meal they found it was missing.  I was asked, "Where do spiders go?"  I suggested, "In cracks in walls or in cupboards."  Tabitha said, "Oh yes to make their babies."

One day Tabitha requested some time to type on the computer.  After she typed random letters for a while I had her type, "The bat can fly" and I had her add a period. (I would tell her the word and have her sound it out, obviously she needed a little help with "fly.")  I explained that she had typed a sentence.  I then let her type again.  After typing letter after letter and adding a dot (period) she said, "See that dot right there? I just readed a sentence."

This morning Tabitha was looking at a book we got last year called Up, Down and Around by Katherine Ayers.  This book's illustrations show vegetables growing down (below ground), and up (above ground).  Tabitha was on the page where the "corn grows up."  I was trying to see how much she could read, but somehow we ended up in an interesting exchange.  She was discussing how the corn grows and then we get to pick it to have corn on the cob.  Then she said, "If it's not corn on the cob, it's corn in the can."

One last comment, this one by Amelia.  She was using our paper towel cardboard roll pointer this afternoon to show me our lesson time poster.  She pointed to the fall card, with its picture of a couple of leaves and said, "This says fall.  I can reee (read)."

To see what other children are saying, head on over to Not Before 7.

Don't forget to check out this week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday.  This week's question is:
Why do the leaves fall off the trees?


  1. Too cute!!!

    What a great way to remember all the cute things they say!

  2. fun quotes;) Love it when they tell us that they can "read"!! They are just soo precious and proud of their abilities;)

  3. What a cute little gal! Love these. I am going to have to get that book from the library for our vegetable unit :)

    Happy TTT!

  4. These are precious! Especially the one of your daughter's prayer. How sweet. I also really like "corn in the can".


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