
Monday, September 13, 2010

You Capture: Signs

I found a new photography linky to link up to when I was hopping around Mamarazzi Monday.  It is hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry (just love the name of her blog)


This weeks challenge was "Signs" and I thought I had the perfect picture.  Then I read further and realized I was supposed to go out and take a picture specifically for this challenge.  I decided to share it anyway, because I have wanted to share this sign. It just made me laugh when I saw it and I made sure to have my camera with me the next time I drove through the town in which I found it.  I promise to follow the rules when I link up in the future though.


  1. hehe very funny!! I saw a funny church sign the other day.. It said, "Need a sign to go to church? Here you go."

  2. I'm so glad you found me and I look forward to seeing your interpretations for this coming week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I'm now following back. Have a great week!


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