
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: September 28, 2010

Time to share some of the cute things the girls have said this week.  I wish I had had a pen or pencil available a lot more this week, because I forgot a lot of them.

We were outside as it was getting dark the one evening and Tabitha looked up in the sky and saw the moon pictured above.  She said, "The moon ate something."  She corrected herself a little bit later and said, "Something ate the moon."

A different evening we were walking around River Rd with daddy and she said something cute.  Unfortunately I don't remember what she said.  However, immediately after the comment she said, "Mom, you have to write that down."

Miss Amelia has been getting more and more verbal, more and more understandable.  I really need to start carrying a notebook and pen around my neck so I don't keep forgetting things.  However, here is one from the other day:

I was sitting on the couch feeding Hannah and Amelia would go over to the love seat, face away from it, fold her hands across her chest and fall backward onto the love seat.  She laughed and said, "That funny."  Then she did it again and again and again, each time running over to me saying, "That funny."

What cute things have you caught your little ones saying.  Come link up over at Not Before 7, or just head on over to check out what other's kids are saying.


  1. very cute! i love when they repeat things over and over! :)

  2. I love the one about the moon! Selena hasn't thought anything has ate the moon but she tells me it is playing peek a boo a lot.

  3. Ha ha! That is so cute. Love the comment about the moon.

  4. Visiting from the Cornucopia Blog Hop, your newest follower! ~Lisa

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