
Friday, September 24, 2010

School Time: Week 3 (Pp)

We started this week by coloring our Pp pictures.  Our Pp words this week are piano, pig, pumpkin, and pea pod. The words I couldn't find signs for our pepper and penguin, though we made a sign up for penguin the last time we did P. This week the girls had to follow instructions and color each picture a specific color.  I think they did a great job. We still have to glue them to our capital P though.

After they colored them we focused on our shapes and color green collage.  You can see the post about that here.  Tuesday we had our Pizza Party.  We had a pizza party when we did P back in January (it was also Tabitha's birthday party, sort of) and Tabitha really wanted to have another one.  We made invitations last week and took them to playgroup to hand out.  
I cut out circles, colored a smaller red circle to represent the sauce, then colored the inner circle yellow for cheese.  The girls glued on red circle pepperoni, onto which I wrote the party info.

This week play group came to us and the children got to make their very own personal pizzas: 

 Then we had pepperoni pizza, popcorn, pickles and punch. 
Oh and there were peanut butter cookies for dessert.

 Do you remember the pictures I shared in my first post for the school year.  Pictures of how organized the playroom now was.  Well...the children were here for approximately 2-3 hours and after they left the playroom looked like this:

Goes to show it doesn't take very long for a mess to occur. 

 Do you also remember I had shared the before pictures in that same post, so I would never let it look like that again.  So I have been working on cleaning it.  This is how far I got:

It's much easier when things already have been organized and I know where to put them, instead of hunting around for a place to put things..

 Later on Tuesday afternoon, we had a visit from my friend from playgroup.  Seems her daughter wanted Tabitha to go over for a sleep over.  So, I woke Tabitha up from her nap and she was so excited with the prospect of spending more time with her friend.  We gathered her stuff together and I send my three year old on her first sleepover.
Seems all went well and she joined us late the next morning while Amelia and I were working on our projects.  I found a really neat idea over at a new-to-me blog, My Tot Learning Time. She used a larger letter with her daughter and jar lids, but I had these soda bottle lids given to me a while ago, so I used them.  Amelia has gone back to this activity many times since Wednesday.

 Then I decided we would Paint P's Pink and Purple.  They just love painting and I am really trying to do at least one painting project a week.

Yes, she's using 2 brushes.  And there IS pink there she just covered it with purple.

 I pulled out our Add The Toppings to the Pizza activity, changed up a bit from earlier in the year because I found these cute circle magnets at KMart.

Red is pepperoni, green is green pepper, white is mushroom, yellow is yellow pepper and blue is blueberries.
(Tabitha insisted on keeping the blue)

(Amelia got a little creative later on in the week.)

I found some different wallets at the thrift shop recently and decided to put them on the shelf as an activity.  They all have different means of opening and closing (zippers, clasps, snaps).  I also put some pompoms in them.  They prefer carrying them around to put other things in.

If you look really carefully in this picture you can see the nail polish she got painted on her finger nails while she was on her sleep over.  She wouldn't let me take a picture of it.  This is what I got when I asked:

We do prefer no makeup/nail polish on our girls, so I will have to ensure it doesn't happen again.

 Just a picture of the wallets out on the mat.

 And we had a P lunch of course.  We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, popcorn, peas and pickles.

Our Bible verse for P is "Praise ye the Lord for it is good to sing praises unto our God." Psalms 147:1
We are reading lots of stories that include Peter this week and the girls enjoy singing 
Peter and John went to pray
They met a lame man on the way
He asked for alms and held out his palms 
and this is what Peter did say,
"Silver and gold have I none
but such as I have give I thee
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
rise up and walk."
He went walking and leaping and praising God
Walking and leaping and praising God.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Due to some unforeseen happenings this week, we didn't stick to our schedule and I am extending our P lessons for another week.  I always said P has a lot of things that can be done with it. We will finish up next week.

To see what others are doing with their toddlers and preschoolers head on over to 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations  Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers 

Tot School

preschool corner


  1. Loved the pizza party idea! Looks like a lost of work but a lot of fun and learning too!

    I'm the same about polished nails and make-up .. My husband and I agree that childhood should be about other things .. and from 13/15 on ... it'll be up for discussion (discussion not anything more LOL). Little girls are pretty enough without all that anyway :) But my oh my do I have to have to fight my mother on this one ...

  2. oo what a fun week! I love the pizza party! Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Gosh, I love all of your hands on activities!! I have to keep a lot of these in mind when I start working with Packy!

    In regards to chapter books, the very first chapter I read to Squeak was Elliot's Park: Saving Mr. Nibbles. She loved it and we read through it a few times! Then we started reading the 3 Ralph S Mouse books and Arthur chapter books (these are shorter chapters than Ralph). We just finished Stuart Little and started the Magic School Bus chapter book series (these are really short books - about 80 pages - but the MSB is the "hit" right now).

    Out of all of those I listed, the Ralph books are the longest and most "advanced". The others are shorter with more pictures.

    I also have Charlotte's Web and some Beverly Cleary books on the shelf. We were going to start Charlotte's Web but I think it opens up with the farmer killing an animal and I wasn't sure how Squeak would react to that!!

  4. What a great week, the pizza's look great, Emily loves making homemade pizza too!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I loved all of your activities, especially the pizza play-date. And a good mess like that means a great time was had by all. :) Here's to another great week of schooling!!

  6. Love the pizza theme! Now I'm hungry! LOL


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