
Monday, September 20, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday Part 2: Shapes (plus)

Today I wanted to work on the children's green collages because the pictures they had colored have been sitting patiently waiting to be cut up and made into something.  When I scheduled my days for this "school year" I forgot we were in the middle of our number/color lessons from the summer.  So today after the girls colored their "p" pictures I had them cut, tear and glue green items onto a piece of paper.  Because today's Muffin Tin Monday theme was shapes I tried to focus a little on shapes with their collage.  I searched through the foam bead shapes and found some circles, hearts and squares. They each got 2 green pompoms.  I gave the girls some green construction paper cut into triangles, rectangles and squares.  They were allowed to cut this up however they wanted to, except for the large triangle that I had them place in a corner of their paper.

Then I made the muffin tins while they watched their Signing Time show.  I have to tell you, I think I got confused on what the theme was supposed to be.  It's supposed to be shapes.  Well, it still is, but it took on a life of its own as I was searching (once again last minute) to find foods that would work.  And we ended up with a shapes/orange muffin tin.

2 cheese triangles
2 square peanut butter on cheese crackers
5 fish shaped crackers (pushing it a bit on this one, huh?)
1 oval hard boiled egg
5 circle carrots
2 crescent peach slices 
(Though Tabitha didn't quite think they were crescents, maybe wedges?)

The eggs were last minute so fresh from the pan.  If anyone else struggles with making hard boiled eggs that come out of the shell easily, let me share what I discovered today.  I was reading some directions here but only took part of the advice and mine turned out perfectly.

I did 3 eggs, one each for each of us.
Placed them in lukewarm water.
Put the flame on high and brought to a boil, added a sprinkle of salt while they were coming to the boil.
When they were at a boil I turned the flame to low so they would simmer for 10 minutes.
I ran them under cold water, alternating draining and adding more cold water 'til the eggs were warm and easy to handle.
I gently tapped them 3-4 times in different spots and peeled.
I waited about 10 minutes to peel mine and the shell stuck in one spot, could have been a fluke, or could mean it's better to peel right away, don't even wait 10 minutes.

Then we played a game with the Preschool Printable: Shapes Around Me that I discovered over at Carissa's blog, 1+1+1=1 yesterday.  I cut the pieces out and put the rectangle cards in the center with the shapes in a circle surrounding them.

I drew one card at a time and had the girls look at the pictures.  I had them tell me what shape all the pictures showed, then they were to find the shape on the floor that matched.

Amelia had a hard time trying to understand she was to pick one off the floor not on the card.  The girl who found the shape kept the card and put it down in front of her.  Of course I insisted that Tabitha let Amelia take her turns.

Here I thought Amelia had the right one

Then she went on to just keep pointing at shapes.
Oh well.  Something to work on.

Head on over to Muffin Tin Mom  to see other's muffin tins

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. I love all the ways you worked with shapes. I do struggle with eggs. Will use your recipe!

  2. That looks like fun! I need to get a round muffin pan.


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