
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dad's Role in our Homeschool

The Homeschool Village is hosting a linky that this week is asking what role dad plays in our homeschool.  I decided that this subject deserved a post here at Tots and Me, for if it wasn't for the blessing of my husband and his agreement to go the homeschool route our children would be headed to public school and the same problems my older children have dealt with.  

My husband is a great encourager in my decision to homeschool.  He was hesitant at first, worrying about the financial aspect.  How would we afford to buy curriculum, etc?  After doing quite a bit of research this past year I have shared with him that homeschooling doesn't have to cost a fortune.  We do not have to buy a bunch of curriculum.  There are many free resources online, many of which we are already utilizing.  I realize as they get older I may want to have some more structure and guidance, opting to use a curriculum (I am leaning toward the Weaver Curriculum used by a couple of families at our church, just because I like that it can be used by multiple age groups at the same time.  I figure by the time we need to be "official" here in Pa Tabitha will be in 3rd grade, Amelia in 2nd grade and Hannah in Kindergarten, I will need some organization, a way to keep everyone involved and doing things at their age level.  Oh, and I also like that it is a Christian Curriculum based around a Bible theme daily.).  We will cross that bridge when we come to it.  

Currently it is very difficult for my husband to have a lot of time with the children, whether homeschool related or not.  He is an LPN working at a Long Term Care facility on the night shift, 6pm to 6am.  He wakes up, eats dinner, leaves for work (usually while we are still eating), works all night, comes home and spends some wind down time on the computer or watching television (usually while we are still sleeping), eats breakfast and goes back to sleep.  His days off are spent catching up on his rest.  Don't get me wrong, he does find time to spend with the girls before going back to dream land and on his days off.  Sometimes he will let me sleep in and plays with the girls before I wake up.  He is the one who plays board games with them more often, especially Green Eggs and Ham and Candyland.  He is also the one who chases them around and lets them crawl all over him.  He is also very good at noticing when a subject comes up that is worthy of more instruction and taking the time to discuss it.  He also has some great ideas for units to study as they get older.  Even now he has contributed with crafts and printing worksheets out occasionally.  And of course he is there for the girls to showcase their works of art to.  

I couldn't do this without him.  He is adamant that I will stay home with the children where I am needed.  I missed out on that with the older children because of the divorce and needing to have a job.  I am looking forward to this journey of homeschooling with him at my side.

What role does dad play in your homeschool?  Link up at The Homeschool Village to share.


  1. It is so awesome that you have so much support from your husband. My husband is also very supportive, in fact , I think if I hadn't brought up the idea he would have. A good supportive partner is so very important. We just got my husband back in our everyday lives. He used to work away from home but now works less than 20 minutes. I think it is a total blessing from God that he gets to come home every day. He loves reading our family blog and hearing homeschool updates form our girls. It is a beautiful thing.

    God Bless!

  2. Your husband sounds wonderfully encouraging and on target with what's most important. I'm also very thankful for my husband's encouragement and support. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.

  3. I couldn't homeschool without Jack's support. As the kids get older, school gets harder, and bad attitudes sometimes get in the way, a husbands support will keep you ticking. I sometimes need a reminder of why I am homeschooling in the first place. This year, my husband has graciously given me a "night off" every week. I can run errands, go out for coffee, or go somewhere alone and get some quiet time. All this to encourage me and help me keep my sanity :)

  4. Following your F’Book fan page from “New Friend Friday.” Please “like” my Facebook page of inspiring messages!

  5. It is great that you have your husband's support. We just started and I don't know if my husband is really 100% beside me on this one. He has made it difficult or voiced any negative remarks. So I am okay with that. Hopefully one day he will see that this is the best thing for our son. I am just thankful that there is no tension about it.

  6. Loved reading this post! So glad you have the support you need! My husband was homeschooled so if anyone is a little less sure of this route it is certainly me :-)


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