
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: August 11, 2010

It's that time of the week for sharing what your little ones have been saying to make you laugh, smile or just wonder.  Some of the things our children come up with are just amazing.

I will be posing a different question at the end of the week, posted in my weekly post, which I usually link up with Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations and Tot School at 1+1+1=1.  This past week I asked you, my fellow mommy bloggers, to ask your precious children:

How do you think we drive?

I asked my girls this question, here are their responses:

Mom: How do you think we drive?
T: We turn the steering wheel.
Mom: Do we do anything else?
T: We turn the car on, then we turn the steering wheel and then drive.
Mom: Do we do anything else?
T: We can sit in the chair and drive.   That's all I like to do.  I like to tell you questions.
Mom: You mean answers?
T: Yeah

After a couple of minutes:
T: We can, we can, we can...
(Mommy is writing this)
T: No, I didn't tell you yet.
Mom: I'm just getting ready.
T: We can read verses while we drive.

In case you are wondering why I kept asking Tabitha is we do anything else (and not just let it go), when I started to ask Amelia the questions, thinking Tabitha was done, Tabitha got all upset, crying and yelling that she still needed to tell me something.

I finally got to ask Amelia:
Mom: How do you think we drive?
A: Like this
Mom: Like this?
A: Yeah
Mom: Like what?
A: Like that (motions writing)
Mom: oh, no, how does daddy drive the car?
A: fa
Mom: fast?
A: No fa
Mom: Far?
A: Yeah

T: I want to tell you something.  We can go far from our house.

I also had to share the following:

T: We're trapped in this tent (after she closed the bedroom door one morning with mom, dad, Tabitha and Hannah inside the room)
M: What's a tent?
T: A circus

Every morning the children think they need to get a jelly bean or spice drop (what ever daddy has been snacking on recently)  Amelia had gotten one out for herself.
Dad: You didn't ask
A: Please
Dad: Please what?
A: Please ax (ask)

Another morning Tabitha came in while I was still half asleep to tell me her diaper tab broke.  I told her to just take the diaper off (she needs it at night, but when it is still on in the morning she is lazy and pees in it anyway instead of using the potty).
T: I need it to keep my butt warm (so she continued to try to fix it)
T: Can you tape it on?  (Few seconds later) Why are my pants falling down?
Mom: Because you have a small butt.
T: Why do I have a small butt?
Mom: Because you're a skinny minny. 

So, have you asked your children how they think we drive?  If so, post about it and then I invite you to come back here to link up so we can all enjoy what was said.  

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