
Monday, August 30, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday: A New First For Hannah

This week Mamarazzi Monday is being hosted by Sarah at Main Line Moms.

Mamarazzi Monday

This weekend I was happily snapping away in Orchard Park, NY because we were at Ralph Wilson Stadium, for the first home preseason Buffalo Bills Football game.  Which also happened to be Kid's Day!  And Hannah's first football game.

Here we are arriving in time for the Kid's Day events:

Enjoying some of the free activities:

(The girls enjoyed racing through this bouncy attraction)

Waiting in line to play the Verizon Wireless game drinking
free chocolate milk

Every time we moved forward Amelia would plop right 
back down.

Back to the Bouncy Attraction


Tabitha thought Hannah needed a hat too

We brought some paper and a baggie of chalk and 
crayons to help keep them occupied.
(Wish it hadn't fallen so much though)

At halftime the local mascots played
(I am very glad the children already knew that the mascots,
Billy Buffalo specifically, are just people in costumes
with masks on, because at one point Billy Buffalo's 
head fell off, oooooops, that's not supposed to happen.)

My hubby shared his version of the day at his blog: 

I just had to share these last few pictures:

Amelia, after our nightly walk:

(That's a Clifford backpack sticking out of her coat)

Tabitha decided to make a letter L one evening, then 
Amelia had to try as well.

1 comment:

  1. Such sweethearts you have! I especially love Tabitha's face in your first photo and the one with Clifford sticking out of Amelia's coat.


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