
Monday, July 19, 2010

Math: Z is for zero

I wanted to have some activities that demonstrated what zero is.  I have the numeral/Velcro activity that includes a zero (you can find the post describing this in more detail here), but we haven't been able to use it as Amelia tore the 5.  Besides I wanted something additional.  So I grabbed one of my trays, a bowl, half an egg container and some cardstock and construction paper. I wrote equations on the cardstock rectangles that equal zero for 1 through 6 (as there are 6 compartments in the egg container).  Here is how I set up the tray:

They are to look at the first number and place a pompom in the top left compartment
(it is set up this way to work from left to right in preparation for reading)

Then we look at the minus sign and I tell them to "take away" the next amount shown by the next number

They count how many pompoms are left and find the correct numeral card

Yes, I plan on making cards for other difference values,
but we were focusing on zero.

I also created an easier one for Amelia, no subtracting, 
just counting.

Figures, Tabitha liked this one better too.

I am linking up with Math Links over at Joyful Learner.  Come see how others are teaching math to their children.

I am also linking up to

play academy

Carnival of Maths Play


  1. Thanks for sharing! I like that it's very visual. I haven't taught the minus symbol yet but I'll remember this for the future!

  2. This activity would work very well for my youngest right now, too!

  3. Great job! Love this!

  4. Very cool. I'll have to remember this when we get to it.

  5. Lots of good ideas there, thanks for sharing.
    My Calendar Maths Post

  6. Great idea...this is something I will add this year. Thanks for stopping by my blog with this link. I do a counting activity with an egg carton in which I wrote the numbers 1-10 inside the egg carton and they place 1 bead in the 1 spot 2 beads in the 2 spot and so on. I am now a follower through Google connect and I liked your fan page as well. God Bless!


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