
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spring Reading Thing update

As I have mentioned, I am participating in several reading challenges.  I realized I never posted about The Spring Reading Challenge on this blog, only over at my other blog Me Myself I Read.  I have been enjoying reading books I probably wouldn't even have looked twice at if I hadn't set out to find Christian Suspense books.  And I have loved every minute of reading these books so far.

Okay, so Lindsay over at Bytes of Memory had clued me in on this "challenge" about a month ago. These books will count toward the 100+ challenge.  As I only had a month and a half to read these books  I figured I could get an idea of how many books I will be able to read each month so I can pace myself for the rest of the year.  Here is my list of books I hope to read by June 20th (and I would sure love to know how everyone is able to get images of the books they are reading in their post, if anyone could give me a heads up):

Christian Suspense (also for the Thriller and Suspense challenge):

Deadline by Randy Alcorn (finished 5/27/10)
Dominion by Randy Alcorn
Last Light by Terri Blackstock
Night Light by Terri Blackstock

The books listed above were the original list.  I have so far finished Deadline, but have decided to skip the Terri Blackstock books for now because I discovered some great books at the church library where we go to playgroup.  I decided to try The Baxter Series by Kathy Herman.  After reading the first book in the series, Tested by Fire (you can read my review here), I was hooked.  The series is set in the town of Baxter where we are introduced to the community members sort of as minor characters, but each book focuses on different people in the community.   I have enjoyed seeing characters from the previous book make an appearance in the second book.  And I love the way she weaves the gospel message through the books.  Anyhow, my list for Christian Suspense is now:

Deadline by Randy Alcorn
Dominion by Randy Alcorn (possibly will put this on hold as it is a really thick book and very hard to hold while nursing the baby, though I loved Deadline and though I don't think it is technically a "series" the next two books spin off of the first)
Tested by Fire by Kathy Herman
Day of Reckoning by Kathy Herman
Vital Signs by Kathy Herman


Einstein Never Used Flash Cards by Kathy Kirsh-Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff (need to finish this one)
The Baby Signing Book by Sara Bingham (also one I need to finish)
School Can Wait by Raymond S. Moore
Better Late Than Early: A New Approach to Your Child's Education by Raymond S. Moore
The Power of Play by David Elkind (also need to finish)
Writing Stories: Fantastic Fiction from start to finish by David L Harrison

Not sure if I will get to all of these non-fiction books.  I also have another one to read that I received from Booksneeze.  I was over at Mama to 3 Blessings blog and noticed the link to Booksneeze on her sidebar.  I was intrigued, so I took a look.  I get to choose a book for free, read it and write a review, then I get to keep the book!  So my first book arrived today, "Storm Warning" by Billy Graham.  It was originally written in 1992, but has been completely revised and updated for 2010.  Not sure which of the non-fiction books above will be put on hold even longer so I can read this book.  I would like to "Storm Warning" in a timely manner and get my review in.

Nancy Drew: for the Nancy Drew Challenge:

The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene (finished 5/15/10)
The Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keene (finished 5/17/10)
The Bungalow Mystery by Carolyn Keene (currently misplaced)
The Mystery at Lilac Inn by Carolyn Keene

So there you have it. If you would like to join me in this challenge just head on over to

Here’s a brief recap of how to be a part of Spring Reading Thing 2010:
  • Make a list of books you want to read (or finish reading) this spring. Your list can be as long or as short as you’d like. (Also, feel free to modify your list during the challenge if it’s not working for you.)
  • Write a blog post containing your list and submit it to the Spring Reading Thing post.
  • Get reading! The challenge goes from today, March 20th, through June 20th, 2010.
  • Check out other participants’ lists and add to your own to-read-someday pile!
  • Write a post about your challenge experience in June, telling us all about whether you reached your goals and how the Spring Reading Thing went for you. But remember: this is a low-pressure challenge that should be fun. As long as you do some reading this spring (and enjoy it!), that’s good enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. yay looks like your having a lot of fun reading! I get the pictures of the books by going to amazon or barnes and noble and look up the book. Then you can right click on the picture and select copy image location. Then in your post click on the picture part. On the right side of that box you can used a URL. Then past the image location in that box. Then click upload. Let me know if that makes sense or if you need more help :-)


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