
Friday, February 12, 2010

Our Qq lessons

Well, I managed to incorporate hearts/Valentines Day into our lessons this week. We only had one Qq activity. I had a few more ideas, but frankly I was lazy this week. Hoping next week will be better. I think I will break this week into 2 or 3 separate posts. This post is dedicated to the Qq lessons (which also includes the hearts).

Anyhow, we started on Monday with our lesson after dinner because I had a doctor's appointment in the morning. We made quilts for the letter books.

(I made a grid on the paper and cut out 1 1/2 inch squares for the girls to glue on.)

On Tuesday we had playgroup. We made valentines for the girls to hand out. For this activity I actually tried my first Art Box. I filled it with scrap scrapbooking papers, stickers, foam heart stickers and crayons. Then I let the girls make them however they wanted to. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of all the finished products. Tabitha has this "thing" for 3-D projects lately. Even on her collages she has been bending paper to make it more 3-D. On one of the cards she kept stacking one foam sticker on top of the other.

And for a funny change of pace, I guess I will share Tabitha's other art canvas:

Our poem for the week has been The Queen of Hearts. Which is why it seemed perfect that Valentine's Day fell on the same week we were focusing on Qq. We made queen crowns:

(Yes Tabitha's crown had to have the 3-D effect, though you can't tell from the picture real well)

And, as they were Queens of Hearts, we had to make tarts:

I found the recipe for these yummy mini strawberry tarts at I ended up finishing them after the children went to bed. They are delicious. And conveniently our library was having a bake sale, sooo... perfect timing again.

I even made up a poem:

The Queens of Hearts, they made some tarts
All on a winter's day
The family of hearts, they loved those tarts
And ate them clean away.
(I know, not real original)

Today we made Valentines cards for daddy. He didn't have to wait until Sunday to get them though, because Tabitha told him all about them when he woke up for work.

(Tabitha crumbled up some of her tissue paper into balls. There's that 3-D again)

I hope to be able to get a couple more posts out. For now, we will call this one our Preschool Corner and Tot School Post. To see what others are doing with their preschoolers and toddlers head on over to Homeschool Creations and 1+1+1=1.

Tot School

Linking this up to the Virtual Valentine's Party


  1. I love the hearts on the toilet seat! That is too cute!

  2. Here is a post about our phonics wall. I was thinking I had your email but couldn't find it. If you don't mind emailing it to me, then I can answer your questions easier.

  3. Thanks Activity Mom, can you tell where the crowns came from?
    Debbie, I went to use the toilet and lifted the lid and I did a double take. Daddy had known about it and just left it there to surprise me.

  4. So, I've totally realized that I've been responding to your comments and it's not emailing to you.
    I love David Eddings and the Belgariad. He has a couple of other good series too. It works out well Jeff and I have similar tastes, so he buys books I want to read.
    Don't know if you know this, but you can click on your dashboard to let people email you in response to your comments.

  5. Oh, and my kids have not yet figured out using the toilet as an art project, I'm sure that's coming soon.

  6. I love the combo of the Queen of Hearts! Great use of the crowns, and your tarts look yummy!

  7. What great crowns :) and I love the quilt activity! Fun week :)

  8. What a fun week! I love the crowns as well :-)

  9. Your girls look so gorgeous and cute. Love the week you had.

  10. Loving the little quilts you made!

  11. Love the crowns and tarts! YUM! And the alternate art canvas is so funny! :)

  12. The tarts look yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  13. This post is awesome.

    Thank you so much for linking up to the Virtual Valentine's Day party. I hope you will have many party guests stop by.

    Thanks for adding my link to your post. It makes you eligible for the $10 Visa Gift Card drawing on the Feb. 14th.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.