
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finished with Nn

Well we finished Nn today. This evening I wanted to get their Nn books put together so we could start fresh tomorrow with the letter Oo. We worked the poster backwards this time. As the pictures were still on the poster I read the word card (having trouble getting Tabitha to look at the words/letters, she preferred to look at my face) and had them find the picture, take it off and then we made sure it matched the picture on the back of the word card. Then we sat down and glued them onto the Nn books. Originally, these books were supposed to be more personalized, with objects from around the house. The problem was, I didn't know how to get the pictures into my Microsoft Works Word Processing program. Now that I do, I may go back to my original idea, but then again if I do that half the alphabet will be different. For now the books are composed of:

The Cover
(Tabitha recently decided she wanted to trace the letter too.)

Our introduction to the letter and its sound

"My name is" "I say 'nnn'"

Our Project and the pictures

This was Amelia's book. Tabitha's pictures end up anywhere on the page she wants as I don't help her. We write the words together (I let them hold the pen then I hold their hand). Amelia fights quite a bit, wants the pen to go off in the direction she wants, so I do end up taking over. I say the word slowly as we write the word.

It seemed to me that Amelia wanted to do some more, so I took two index cards, drew the number nine on each, and we counted 9 dots of glue then added 9 dried beans to the card.

Tabitha kept saying she was tracing the nine with her finger. I did tell her it would be better to wait until the glue was dry!
So now we are ready to start the letter Oo this week.


  1. Thanks so much for your comment on my blog today. I just had to come check out your "mitten craft". Wow, they really are similar! I love the stars on yours!

  2. Hi, a button swap is taking a button (like my Montessori Moments button) from someones blog that you like and in exchange they put the button link to your blog (if you have a button)on their blog.
    Does that make sense?
    You can e-mail me at if you have any other questions, I'd love to help you out!

  3. Love the pic at the top of your blog!!

  4. Thanks Karin. I was on another blog when I saw the stick family on the bottom, clicked on the link and saw the thing to make the picture (whatever they call it). I just love those pictures of the girls and thought they would look so cute. I also did the stick figure family and stuck it at the bottom.


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