
Friday, January 29, 2010

Penguins galore! Plus...

Wow! What a busy week we had. Besides getting ready for and throwing our picnic party, we were quite productive trying to finish up our Pp lessons. We focused on penguins (cold enough out there to make it quite appropriate). Let's see, we made potato print penguins,

an idea out of The Mailbox magazine. Same great issue (Dec/Jan 2009-10) I got the "Goodnight Moon" and "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" craft ideas from when we were doing Mm. On a side note, I was so thankful when I went to the library to get the magazine out again. The librarian was getting ready to take the past year's issues home and burn them! I got all of them and didn't have to pay a dime!!! Praise God! Anyhow, the girls liked being able to paint, but Amelia really had a blast when I let her continue painting with her fingers after I took the penguins away to dry.

She prefers the freedom of open ended art projects. Didn't really care for me holding her hand to create the penguin. Then I cut up sponges into geometrical shapes and let them sponge paint. One of the books we are reading with the penguin theme is "Baby Penguin Learn Shapes With Me." Tabitha got the hang of placing the shapes down and lifting them up carefully. Amelia on the other hand thought it would be fun to paint with the sponge shapes.

We also made shape penguins.

And they glued snowflakes to an icy (foil) background

I wanted something else where Amelia could work on her own.

We also talked a bit about where penguins live and what they eat. I found a really cool website that shows a map of the area around the south pole. You can click on an area to find out what penguins live there and all about them. We have also been creating a penguin habitat.

We glued on some batting type material for snow and placed our potato print penguins on it and the shape penguins we made.

And of course the penguins needed some water to slide into and go fishing for their lunch.

Toward the end of the week I decided we would make Penguin Lapbooks. So we will definitely be working on Pp next week as well. I'll share the lapbook in it's entirety next week.

Another activity that Tabitha really enjoyed was a Penguin Fishy Subtraction game that I first discovered while browsing the One Mom, Five Boys blog. She had found it at Making Learning Fun.

I printed out the penguin and attached it to a cereal box. I left the top on so we could store the pieces in the box without worry of them falling out. I printed out the fish, they recommend 15 fish per player, so I printed 3 sheets. And I printed out the number cards. In the first picture (which you probably can't tell as it is small) Tabitha tried to feed the penguin the number card instead of how many fish the number card showed. She wanted to play this 3 or 4 times that night and then again a couple of days later. Amelia played for a while the second time, she lasted longer than I thought she would, but she had a hard time waiting her turn. Mommy usually plays. I tried to emphasize how many fish Tabitha had and then how many she was taking away and how many she had left. A little over her head until we got below 5, then she could answer me correctly.

I also introduced some new Montessori type work:

And I let Amelia work on it too, though I omitted the tongs.

She insisted on putting two in each compartment

And they worked well on her fingers

She showed me when they were all gone

And another fine motor activity (Amelia hasn't done this yet, but Tabitha did it over and over again while Amelia looked on longingly):

Not sure who's blog I saw this activity at. Sorry. If I figure out who's blog it came from I will add the link. I thought it was a neat idea. Putting toothpicks through the holes of a shaker jar. Tabitha actually was putting two in separate holes at the same time with one hand. I wouldn't let her try three.

Yesterday we had a lesson on making lunch. I showed the girls how to make their own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I gave all of us our own bowl which contained a spoonful of peanut butter and a spoonful of jelly. I brought the bread in on one plate and let the girls pick out 2 slices of bread. They had their own utensils to spread with. I took them through it step by step.

Then Tabitha cut the cheese into pieces for everyone.

To see what others are doing with their little ones go to Homeschool Creations and check out the others linking up to Preschool Corner.

And for the little ones:

Tot School


  1. I love everything you did there with the penquins and those snowflakes are adorable! It looks like you had a great week and everyone had fun!

  2. What a fun week!!! I love the penguins :) I also really like the Montessori work! Great Job :)

  3. The fine motor skill activities look really fun! Great job to the girls!!

  4. Thanks. We did have a great week. Looking forward to another one!

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog. I've enjoyed looking around yours too. I love your ideas for the penguins! Lots of fun and too cute! Off to look around some more!

  6. What neat penguin crafts!I love seeing your little one putting the pasta in the ice cream tray. So cute!


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