
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: September 7, 2016 (w/linky): First Day of School

Ready to come downstairs

Time to go to McDonald's for breakfast.

And mommy stays home to get things ready.

There's that Homeschool Elf. He took their supplies again to play scavenger hunt.

Daddy made sure to get some pictures of the children at breakfast.

Welcome back children. Line up for school.

Greeted by the Homeschool Elf.

Time to follow the clues.

Class Pictures

Work time. Simple "About Me" pages.

And suddenly Tabitha is really not feeling well. Thought she just had a little cold when she woke up this morning. But she spent the afternoon on the love seat.

I did get her up for her picture time.


They insisted on coloring their own Homeschool Elf and Elfette.

While they colored, I read our books for the day.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. How cute that your family has its very own Homeschool Elf! ^.^

  2. I hope Tabitha is feeling better. It seems like when school starts someone gets sick. I love the homeschool elf. The Easter Bunny puts on a scavenger hunt for my boys. They love it!

  3. What a great first day of school! Looks like you make homeschooling so much fun! :) Hope Tabitha's feeling better, poor thing!! Little Dude started school today (grade 3) at a regular school, tomorrow is the first day for Princess Nagger's new adventure through Virtual Academy with me as her Learning Coach (8th grade). I'm more excited than she is, though she's relieved to be able to learn at her own pace (which with her, is hyper-speed...heh!) Happy WW! :)

  4. Love the Homeschool Elf idea! Looks like a great day too.

  5. Aww! fab photos love the poses too heheh!

    Have a homeschooltastic day :-)

  6. Awww start of school here too and your class looks fun!


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