
Friday, September 23, 2016

Field Trip Friday: Questing For Marvelous Migrating Monarchs

Well, we finished our butterfly unit several weeks ago, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to attend this fun homeschool event. Not only did we learn more about Monarch butterflies than we had learned in our My Father's World curriculum, we also learned how to tag the butterflies. And Tabitha was thrilled to be the one in her group to actually catch a butterfly. They worked together to tag it, then she got to release it.

First some pictures of the nature center.

Crawling through the bear cave.

Learning to catch and tag a butterfly.  They practiced on plastic butterflies.

Heading outside. Harold was the first one to spot a caterpillar.

Then we spotted a chrysalis. This is the first time I have seen one out in nature.

Tabitha caught a butterfly!

Gently removing it from the net.

Writing down the identification info from the tag sticker.

Deciding whether it is male or female.

Tagged and ready to go.

Another group caught a butterfly and gave Harold a chance to hold it.

Then we found some milkweed pod.

We ended our trip with a visit to the Arch Tree.

Linking up to:

Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop

Also realized this went well with The Daily Post's Photo Challenge for Quest.


  1. We did something like this last year, only we didn't get to tag them. She talked and showed us how she tags them. We did get to feed them some nectar before they flew away to be free. Looks like the kids had a great time!

  2. Your kids are adorable! Looks like a great trip! We had fun with monarchs when we lived in Hawaii, we planted milkweed and then brought the caterpillars in to keep them safe until the emerged as butterflies! :) So fun!


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