
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Five on Friday (Oops I Mean Saturday): May 31st, 2014

The Pebble Pond

There are funny things or cute things that will happen during the week that I would like to share, but they don't really make a post on their own. So, this is the perfect opportunity to share them.

1.The children found their first toad of the year. They were quite upset when mommy wouldn't let them keep it.

2. On Memorial Day we had a school-as-usual day, but the children wanted a picnic lunch. They took their muffin tins to the blanket, next to the water (blue blanket) and the grass (green blanket).

3. We continue to enjoy time over at the park. The other day Harold was having a blast "blowing dandelion fuzz." Or just shaking it.

In the next picture, he is "hugging" the dandelion. He will put his cheek down to pictures or put objects to his cheek that he loves.

4. The children love building castles.

and houses with different rooms for their cars or dolls, or in this case, ponies.

5. We received a new review item the other day. Fun, fun, fun!

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